Saturday, January 19, 2008

Dark Copperhead-18 - Ultimate Deep Sea Diver

IMHO, the ULTIMATE Deep Sea Diver ever. Produced by Hot Toys in 2007, this figure comes with die-cast parts (Copper helmet, mesh cutter, regulator, rebreather, copper bottomed boots) and a leather dive/pressure suit with chain-mail gloves. He also has a pressure activated submersible bomb.

Fully decked out and ready to dive

Love the headsculpt too! Check out the copper helmet.

Back of helmet

Regulator on the front of his leather dive/pressure suit

Rebreather on the back

Pressure activated submersible bomb (shown in two parts)


  1. I love it!
    I just bought the white version of this figure, I can't seem to find a DARK version like yours anywhere.

    I LOVE IT!!!

  2. Congrats!! I LOVE it TOO!! It's a GREAT-LOOKING figure!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. alex thanks for taking pix of this really cool piece.

  5. my pleasure, shaun. when i saw this piece on Hot Toys site, i just had to get it. it's a really nice piece.
