Thursday, October 30, 2008

Indiana Jones by Medicom, 2008

It's here! Medicom's Indiana Jones

This Indiana Jones figure has nothing to do with the latest instalment "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" (thank goodness because in the 4th movie, Indy has really grown old, slow and lost his edge but certainly gained in age. Not a good thing for an adventurer, is it? Did I mention old?)

Medicom's Indiana Jones box - Cover picture shows a much younger Indy. In fact all the advertising materials don't show Indy's age

Indiana Jones straight out of box figure (not complete with accessories yet). As usual with all Medicom's packaging, no twisties or anything to tie the figure down. Out pops Indy, just like that.

Indiana Jones' A-2 bomber jacket and British Mark VII gas mask bag with leather strap to replace the original cotton strap, used to keep his journals, his father's pocket watch and his glasses, among other handy items.

The hat maketh the man - Indiana Jones' famous high-crowned, wide-brimmed fedora by Herbert Johnson of London. He has favored the fedora since it was given to him by a looter in 1912 (this was shown in the third movie with River Phoenix playing young Indy). When young Indy (River Phoenix) first used the bullwhip to tame an irritated lion in a carriage on a circus train, it left a distinctive scar on his chin (this was written into the script to explain the scar on Harrison Ford's chin).

Medicom's Indiana Jones comes with (in chronological order) the Urn of Nurhachi, Sankara Stone, Golden Idol, headpiece to the staff of Ra and Holy Grail

From left to right: The Urn of Nurhachi, containing the ashes of the first emperor of the Manchu dynasty, desired by Lao Che and used by Indy to exchange for the Eye of the Peacock diamond, which can be traced back to Alexander the Great. This supposedly happened in 1935 at a nightclub in Shanghai called "Club Obi Wan". From Shanghai, Indy would end up in India searching for the Sankara Stones, marked with three white lines that represent the three levels of the universe and when the stones are brought together (there were five of them, supposedly presented by Shiva to Sankara, a priest of Shiva to combat evil), the diamonds inside them would glow red hot. All these events occur in the second Indiana Jones' movie "The Temple of Doom (1984)".

The Golden Idol, a golden representation of the Chachapoyan goddess of fertility and childbirth, located inside the Temple of the Warriors in Peru, South America. This was the opening scene in the very first Indiana Jones movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)" and supposedly occurred in 1936 in Indy's timeline.

The headpiece to the staff of Ra which could pinpoint the resting place of the Ark of the Convenant once the lost city of Tanis is discovered in Egypt. Lastly, the Holy Grail, the cup of Christ, long sought after by Henry Jones Snr and it reunites father and son in the third instalment "The Last Crusade (1989)"

Extra hands including one holding the Smith & Wesson M1917 .45 caliber pistol. I suppose the hand can be removed from the revolver but it comes in box grasping the weapon.

Indiana Jones sans jacket - a scrawny looking Indy wearing his trademark khaki shirt (a long-sleeve cotton poplin shirt with shoulder epaulets sporting two distinctive pleats that run from the shoulders through the pockets to the end of the shirt-tail) and battledress trousers made of traditional cavalry twill. His preferred footwear is a pair of weathered brown Alden ankle boots.

Close-up of Medicom's Indiana Jones head sculpt - Harrison Ford is hiding in there somewhere

Indy with his bag and whip added

With his gas mask bag slung across and his bullwhip coiled in a quick-release catch.

The Webley holster for his pistol carried on a separate belt with his whip

Indiana Jones in all his glory

Other Indiana Jones: Sideshow IndyToys McCoy Indy, Whipping Indy, Talking Indy and Kenner's and Kubrick Indy

Up next: Henry Jones Snr by Medicom

Harrison Ford, the actor who made Indiana Jones also played Han Solo in Star Wars, US President James Marshall in "Air Force One (1997)" and Captain Alexei Vostrikov in "K-19: The Widowmaker (2002)", among the many roles he did.


  1. thanks for the review my guru, good to see that Medicom didn't stinge on the accessories this time round. I'm looking forward to your pix of Daddy Jones.

  2. you're welcome shaun :) daddy-o henry jones snr up next.

  3. the two on the left and right are NICE :) you have all the one in the middle - LOL

  4. Hey Alex, I think Medicom's Henny Jones looks nicer than Indiana Jones. But I did not buy Henny cos not a super fan for "Indiana Jones" movie..Haha!!

  5. me BIG BIG fan of Indiana Jones ;p

  6. @1:6 guru: Nonsense! The one in the middle is me, and the people flanking are my fans!

  7. ha! ha! in that case, i must say your fans 'Si Beh Sui' and i want them too BUT you look way better in person i.e. not very photogenic leh LMAO - your ..urm.. arms look bigger in your profile picture ;p

  8. 1:6 Guru, you above comment is rather confusing, as I have no idea whether it was a compliment or a diss, but you are still, and will always remain, my 1:6 Guru.

  9. yo man i would never ever diss you lah, my one and only TRUE supporter :) U R always welcome in my home!!

  10. eh, relax lah 1:6 Guru, I am just sleepy after lunch, that's why when I read that you doubt the accuracy of the picture, I was confused. LOL!

  11. heng ah, GOOD QUALITY friendz of GREAT character (that means YOU!) are hard to come by - all's swell and well in the house then :)

  12. my god, that's a damn impressive head. From a distance, I swear it's Harrison in fresh...
    Is he the Indy that's your favourite figure of all Alex?

  13. hey tony WELCOME :) this is the newest Indy by Medicom. The Indy I was talking about is the Toys McCoy Indy. thanks for looking

  14. Excellent review bro!! (IMHO)I think this piece excel Toy McCoy version except for the accessories.
    As usual, i think it's the best offerings now in the market (unless Hottoys does it) Nowadays, market's needs a lot of consideration before buying any toys BUT this is MUST GET for me as well~!!!hahahaha....will be posting mine next have to go and earn S-11 1st...wahahaha

  15. hi ken, kum sia brudder. i always liked Indiana Jones and this was a DIE DIE MUST BUY for me too, especially since he comes with his lau peh. yeah S11 issues getting to us all, now must think long long before emptying wallet - ha! ha!

  16. Thanks for the review pics, Alex. The pics I've seen previously of this figure's head sculpt didn't do it too much justice. Having pre-ordered the upcoming Kingdom of The Crystal Skull edition, I was sort of biting my nails wondering if this would turn into another disappointing issue from Medicom. Both Indy and Henry Sr. look pretty damn good (though I have to agree with you that their bodies are a bit scrawny).

  17. hi dash, you're most welcome :) both indy & henry turned out better than i expected. they look better in hand than in pictures. am glad that i got them. enjoy yours!!

  18. Argh, I have to start speaking up - cuz I'm a fan of you and Daisy, Alex! You guys live the exemplary life as artists. Doing the stuff you love, surrounded by the stuff you love. ;)

    Thanks for posting pics of Indy! I'm still sitting tight waiting for the Sideshow Indy I pre-ordered like a gadzillion years ago. Wonder if I should have gone for this instead. ^^;

  19. hey michelle, thanks for the compliments. Just like the famous saying goes "Do the stuff you love and you'll never have worked a day in your life!" We're living proof that it can happen ;p

    Sideshow Indy looks good too. Medicom's release of father and son was what did it for me although I'm not so keen on Mutt Williams, even if he's Indy's son (three generations of Jones right there!)

  20. Hey :-) great review! But does the medicom Indy include a display base? And does the whip unfurl? Thanks

  21. hi Ben, the whip does unfurl and the figure display stand is the standard Medicom Toys stand which is clear type - you can see it being used here:
