Saturday, August 1, 2009

Action Man 1/6 Lunar Rover or Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV)

The Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) or lunar rover was a type of surface exploration rover used on the Moon during the Apollo program. It is also known by its popular nickname of "moon buggy". Three of the Apollo missions took LRVs to the Moon.

The rover was first used on July 31, 1971, during the Apollo 15 mission. This greatly expanded the range of the lunar explorers. Previous teams of astronauts were restricted to short walking distances around the landing site due to the bulky space suit equipment required to sustain life in the lunar environment. The rovers had a top speed of about 8 mph (13 km/h). [source: wiki]

The FIRST Lunar Rover / moon buggy of Apollo 15 covered a total distance of 17.25 miles (27.76 km) on the moon surface, traversing once per day over the three day course of each mission.

And here's an Action Man 1/6 scale Lunar Roving Vehicle from 1997 (Had posted much earlier but thought this was a timely entry, being the 40th anniversary of the moon landing - post HERE)

It's made up of mostly plastic parts (touted as "ultra lightweight construction") with satellite missile launcher and came with the Action Man Astronaut with reflective silver chrome finish visor

It cannot be compared with the Batpod of course but for its price and as a child's toy, it's pretty decent.

Lego Lunar Rover / Moon Buggy


  1. Wish that HT would make a 1:6 double seater resembling the real one.

  2. HT's too commercialised now. they'll only do things that are profitable, like their MMS line. HT seems to have stopped producing their military series, preferring to let DiD & Soldier Story continue making 1/6 military figures.

  3. i saw a GI JOE Buzz Aldrin at ebay, way cheaper than the Dragon version... quality wise Dragon is better...
    but is that GI Joe astronaut ok?

  4. Hi AL i got myself the GI Joe Buzz Aldrin before Dragon released theirs. Once i had Dragon's version in my hands, i had to let Hasbro's go because quality wise, they are light years apart - no contest, not even close.

  5. Man, that space suit had the coolest feeling material ever to it!

    I can feel it now, even though I'm not holding it...but someone should really tell him he needs to invest in better coverage gloves if he's going into space...

  6. very sharp you are Bracken, the suit certainly used a very nice smooth material but I agree about the gloves. Hasbro did the same with their GI Joe Astronaut which was so disappointing :<
