Monday, June 28, 2010

Elite Brigade US Navy Landing Party

During World War II there were few examples of the use of sailors as infantry. Most famously, a Naval Battalion, formed from the remnants of the shore establishment of the 16th Naval District in the Philippines, performed bravely and effectively on Bataan in late 1941 and early 1942. The USS Philadelphia landed a landing party to assist the 47th Infantry in capturing airport at Loa Senia, Morocco, during Operation Torch. Admiral Halsey’s Third Fleet sailors, organized as three battalions of infantry, assisted marines and a British Landing party with the occupation of Yokosuka Naval Base at the end of World War II. Samuel Eliot Morison suggests that the sailor battalions were necessary because not enough marines were available to Third Fleet. [source: Navy Dept Library]

This is a Elite Brigade 1:6 scale US Navy Landing Party 12-inch military figure released by Cotswold Collectibles many years ago. Elite Brigade figures were based on the "1960's" G.I. Joe concept and offered some interesting original as well as authentically reproduced items to complement the 12-inch G.I. Joe figures. This was in the late 90s before the 1:6 market went BOOM! and exploded into what is is today with so many choices and options.

This Elite Brigade figure was really quite basic without any frills: items included Skull cap, black long sleeve sweater, US Navy blue denim trousers, web belt with double pistol magazine pouch, pistol in holster, water bottle in carrier, flare gun in shoulder holster and Thompson submachine gun


  1. "This was in the late 90s before the 1:6 market went BOOM! and exploded into what is is today with so many choices and options."

    and what an enormous wealth of options and choices they became. Dragon, BBI.. etc.
    Quality and head sculpts improved by the bucketloads.. heheh

    Great Blog!
