Sunday, January 1, 2012

Incoming: 1/6 scale Steve Jobs 12-inch Figure by DID

This has to be the BEST 1/6 scale Steve Jobs head sculpt ever produced. The man may have passed on (see my post RIP Steve Jobs where I attempted to kitbash a 12-inch Steve Jobs figure) but it seems 1/6 manufacturers see his passing as an opportunity to cash in and make some money out of this iCon. Whether people will bite is hard to say but I'm sure there'll be fans and collectors who won't mind forking up some moolah for this figure, just as they did for the iPhone 4S "forSteve" ;p

Everything looks great except for the awful looking wrist joints. What's up with that? Couldn't they hide that weird looking ball joint inside the arms or make it much smaller and less ugly and obvious? They really ruin an otherwise perfect figure but for the joints :(

Scroll down to see more prototype preview pictures and different angles of this awesome 1/6 scale Steve Jobs head sculpt by DID. A unlicensed product no less judging by how a new company is supposedly created to market this product. If anything happens in the legal department, they just close the company like it never happened.

I was wondering how they were going to make the rather delicate glasses Steve Jobs wears but it looks like they were able to get it right in terms of scale and durability. We'll just have to wait and see how the final product looks although these prototype preview pictures look very good indeed.

Do NOTE that the 1/6 scale iPhone and iPad are NOT included.

The 1/6 scale Mac is also NOT included. You are getting only the man (12-inch figure), his clothes and a bar stool that is in 1/6 scale.


  1. Looks more like a young Steven Spielberg, but it's still good and will do just fine.

  2. It will become a statue I pray to prior to a big presentation..


  3. where can i pre-order this from? jason from cali

  4. hi jason, no news from my distributor yet but i believe that are ppl taking orders on e-bay
