Sunday, November 17, 2013

Review Mattel Batman Unlimited 7-inch Batman Action Figure as seen in "Beware the Batman"

Beware the Batman is an American computer-animated television series based on the DC Comics superhero Batman. The series premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on July 13, 2013. The series is set during Bruce Wayne's early years as the Batman, following his initial period of battling organized crime. Over the course of the season, he hones his skills with the assistance of his butler, Alfred Pennyworth (who is a former MI6 agent. Mitch Watson, co-producer of Beware the Batman, explained: "He's Sean Connery from The Untouchables. The characterization of Alfred would be that of a man who was once in a physical condition on par with Batman, who was now in his 60s and past his prime, but still able to provide advice to Batman and be an ally when necessary.") Alfred's goddaughter, Tatsu Yamashiro, is Katana, a martial arts swordsmaster hired to act as Bruce's bodyguard, but also recruited to act as a superhero partner to Batman. (source: wiki)

I like Batman in almost all of his incarnations - from his original form in DC comic books to the campy 1960s TV series, to the animated styles seen in SuperFriends and all of the various interpretations since, including films, video games etc (except the George Clooney Batman with the nipples suit). The Dark Knight by Frank Miller took Batman to a whole new level and Tim Burton's 1989 Batman really brought Batman to the big screen. Of course, the recent Batman trilogy (what a rush!) by Christopher Nolan only makes us wonder how the next Ben Affleck Batman will pan out in 2015.

This is the new Batman Unlimited series that Mattel has put out and out of all the Batman Unlimited figures released, I only got this particular one because I like this new look of Batman. I've followed animated Batman since the "Batman: The Animated Series" (BTAS). BTAS started me on this crazy fun-filled toy collecting hobby since 1994 (see my very FIRST post HERE of my BTAS figure collection) and I've been collecting each different animated rendition of Batman since.

This new look Batman from "Beware the Batman" appears tall and lanky, unlike the bulky Batman I am more used to. He almost looks Jack Skellington-like. If you don't know who Jack Skellington is, check out my recent post HERE to see the similarity :)

There are some articulation, a lot more than the Mattel "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" toy action figures (see my review of the Mattel 2011 DC Batman "The Brave and The Bold" Stealth Strike Series 5-Inch Tall Action Figure - GEAR UP BATMAN with Removable Mask and Sword HERE)

While the "The Brave and The Bold" Batman wore a slightly modified version of the blue and gray suit worn during the Silver Age comics (1960s–70s), the "Beware the Batman" series Batman takes on the all-black look with only a yellow belt to break the monotony.

According to wikipedia, Batman's utility belt was fully recreated from cardboard and worn by producer Glen Murakami's design team, to test how the belt would function while in motion. "If you really built it, it would work", said Mitch Watson, co-producer of Beware the Batman.

Watson explained how the crew behind the series approached Batman for the show the way they did, stating "In the way we approached Batman for this show, he's at the beginning of his career, he's probably been doing it for about five to six years, he's in his early 30s. And character-wise, we broke him into three parts. There's the public Bruce Wayne, who we modeled slightly after Richard Branson. We wanted to make Bruce Wayne more of an altruistic guy and the company's (Wayne Enterprise) trying to do good. So, that's the public Bruce. The private Bruce is more introspective guy who really only deals with Alfred, and Alfred at the beginning of the series is really the only person who sees that side of Bruce Wayne. He's quiet; he's a little bit obsessive about particular things."

After "Batman: The Animated Series" ended its run, there was "Batman Beyond" followed by "The Batman" before "Batman: The Brave and the Bold". Batman toy action figures for these animated Batman television series have all been released and I've managed to collect some from each series, including young Batman from "The Batman". Check out my posts HERE and HERE :)

Scroll down to see more pictures of Mattel Batman Unlimited "Beware the Batman" 7-inch Batman Action Figure

This Batman doesn't come with any accessories - no Batarangs or bat gadgets

Here are some poses of Batman as he is seen on the back of the card.

How do I like this Batman? I just do :) Just as I liked the DC Direct Jim Lee inspired All Star Series 1: Batman action figure even though it was pretty much a mini statue (posted in my toy blog recently HERE)

Mattel Batman Unlimited "Beware the Batman" 7-inch Batman Action Figure's articulation is based mainly on ball hinges for articulation which allow for 90 degree bends and 360 degree rotation.

You can't really get dynamic poses with only 90 degree bends. As an action figure, this Batman isn't going to see much "action" haha but for a Batman collector, I like him for the new look and size. Batman is just who he's supposed to be: the Dark Knight, even though the bat emblem is a lot less obvious in this newest rendition.

The thin legs does not help this Batman figure stand as he is top heavy

The new utility belt is a nice change from the usual ones with pouches and goes well with this new look Batman.

Related posts:
November 27, 2010 – Just some things @ my work station (which includes lots of Batman figures) posted HERE
December 15, 2010 – Surprise Buy @ STGCC 2010: Mattel Batman Batcave Playset Reviewed HERE
March 27, 2011 – "BATs All, Folks" - Mego style Batman Gallery HERE
May 14, 2012 – Batman Infographic: Every (Significant) Bat-Suit Ever Created - How many are there? Read about it HERE
May 18, 2012 – Batman Icon's Mutation – 70-year Evolution of the BATMAN logo from 1941 till current 2012 posted HERE
July 30, 2012 – The Dark Knight Manual: Tools, Weapons, Vehicles and Documents from the Batcave (pictures HERE)
August 2, 2012 – So you want to be Batman? Let's see if you got what it takes to be a crimefighter, money wise. Check out the post HERE

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