Sunday, December 27, 2015

Action Figure Review II: Square Enix Play Arts Kai 1/7th Star Wars Variant 10-inch Boba Fett

continued from previous toy blog post...

With his customized Mandalorian armor, deadly weaponry, and silent demeanor, Boba Fett was one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. A genetic clone of his “father,” bounty hunter Jango Fett, Boba learned combat and martial skills from a young age. Over the course of his career, which included contracts for the Empire and the criminal underworld, he became a legend.

Boba Fett stems from initial design concepts for Darth Vader, who was originally conceived as a rogue bounty hunter. While Vader became less a mercenary and more of a dark knight, the bounty hunter concept remained, and Fett became "an equally villainous" but "less conspicuous" character. Fett's armor was originally designed for "super troopers", and was adapted for Fett as the script developed. Screen-tested in all-white, Fett's armor eventually garnered a subdued color scheme intended to visually place him between white-armored "rank-and-file" Imperial stormtroopers and Vader, who wears black. This color scheme had the added bonus of conveying the "gray morality" of his character.

Square Enix designers have certainly kept Boba Fett's color scheme intact when they redesigned him for the Play Arts Kai Star Wars Variant 1/7th scale Boba Fett 10-inch tall action figure. They have maintained the overall look but made changes to his pouches and armor design to create a variant Boba Fett that is not the same as the one we see on screen. Still, one look and you know immediately without a doubt that this is Boba Fett, albeit with a slightly different look. How do I find it? I like it, as much as I like the Samurai influenced Star Wars characters Bandai has been putting out. They may deviate from the norm but they certainly do offer us another look at a character we are so familiar with. Even though they look very similar in some ways (color scheme, helmet design etc) they also look very different at the same time. Variety is the spice of life :)

Scroll down to see the rest of the pictures.
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Here's Square Enix Play Arts Kai Star Wars Variant 1:7 scale Boba Fett action figure with his heavy blaster in hand and taking flight with his jetpack. Jet propulsion effect x 2 are included to create the impression of flight. This particular Boba Fett looks more armored than the original film version and that suits me just fine. His heavy blaster also looks more high tech compared to the original's.

IMHO the flamethrower effect works much better than this jet propulsion effect. You can check out the flamethrower effect in my first-part action figure review posted earlier HERE.

And here's Square Enix Play Arts Kai Star Wars Variant 1:7 scale Boba Fett action figure taking aim with his heavy blaster. Check out the turnaround views and close-up shots

Related posts:
September 9, 2012 – Comparison pictures of 12-inch Boba Fett Action Figures by Marmit, Medicom Toys and Sideshow Collectibles posted HERE

Review I: Sideshow Collectibles Star Wars Scum and Villainy 1/6th scale Boba Fett 12-inch Figure
Review II: Sideshow Collectibles "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" 1/6 Boba Fett 12-inch Figure
Sideshow Collectibles 1/6th scale Boba Fett, Han in Carbonite and 12-inch Stormtrooper escorts POSTED HERE

Earlier posts:
Sept 28, 2007 - Star Wars Bounty Hunter 6: Boba Fett
Sept 29, 2007 - Comparing Marmit Boba Fett and Medicom Toys Boba Fett figures

Check out Darth Vader and the 6 bounty hunters aboard the Executor in "Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)" (see link here)

1 comment:

  1. that thing is rad- Boba is a fave of mine, had the 15" Kenner version as a child
