Monday, September 3, 2007

Troy (2004)

Brad Pitt stars as Achilles from the movie "Troy (2004)", great epic movie. The way Achilles easily kills the greatest and most accomplished warrior of Thessaly, Boagrius, was such a joy to watch.


  1. hi there,
    you've got an awesome collection! thanks for sharing.

    the shield for this Achilles is darn heavy right?

    can you also allow non-Blogger readers to post comments please?


  2. hi vince (got your name from shaun's blog), thanks for the compliments - you have quite a impressive collection yourself. don't you just love to see friend's faces when they visit? when we were trying to sell our old place before moving to this new one, all the potential buyers (including agents) were too busy viewing the toys and taking pictures with their camera phones instead of checking the house. i had a strange suspicion that some of the buyers may have been the agent's friends coming to take a look - ha!ha!

    u r rite - the shield is heavy but i just love the look of this figure.

    about non-bloggers posting comments - hv rectified that - blog virgin here lah. thanks for bringing it up.

  3. haha. your toys probably also serve as an icebreaker for potential buyers and visitors! i find that less serious stuff like toys tend to make people more comfortable more easily.

    I showed your collection to my wife and asked if i could utilise the living room to put some toys (i presume your photo with that long stretch of wall is in the living room?)... Well, she is still unconvinced.

  4. i must admit i have a really supportive wife who lets me display my toys. she says it makes the place unique too & she has grown to appreciate the finer details of 1/6 figures. she's a rare find and the reason why i can display the toys. i let her know that no matter what, she's my number 1 toy (ha!ha! LOL)

    she also gets a kick when guests' eyes pop and jaw drop the moment they step in. like you said, they loosen up after that :)

  5. Wow love your toy collection!
    Is this Achilles a kit bash? Have always love to own one as I love the movie "Troy"

  6. Hi Adrian, thanks for the compliments. I don't do much bashes - not very good at it lah so I usually get my stuff off the shelf. Achilles was something I was really keen on after watching "Troy".

  7. So where did u get this figure? Am keen to get one for myself. Thanks

  8. got it from one of the toy shops (can't remember which one now) - it was the only one there when i got it.

  9. Hi , you willing to sell this figure?? wanna buy it from you!

  10. Hi gogo1313, so sorry i'm not a toy dealer and am not selling this figure as it's the only one I have. Thanks for looking.
