Sunday, January 27, 2008

SGT ROCK, World War II

It's interesting that all the comics that I read and grew up with (2-Dimensional) are now being produced as collectibles/toys (3-Dimensional) largely due to the fact that movies are being made of these characters. From Batman to X-men, they have all become something you can hold, pose and display and every film producer/movie studio will try to see which comic they can tap from to make movies - exciting times indeed!!

As a military buff and avid comic reader, one of the figures that intrigued me was Sgt Rock. I guess it is partly due to watching the TV series "Combat!" starring Vic Morrow as SGT Saunders while growing up. Every boy then wanted to be a soldier and fight in a war.

A limited edition 12" SGT ROCK figure was released by Hasbro together with DC Comics and came in a LONG (really LONG) box. It's like "Are you really happy to see me or is that a SGT ROCK box you are holding?"

Box opened to reveal SGT ROCK and two extra outfits packed in the retro GI Joe/Action Man style display packaging.

SGT ROCK with his permanent 5 o'clock shadow look (never seen him clean shaven)

His US Army Enlisted Man's uniform

His favourite attire - his Battle Dress Uniform (this is certainly an Oxymoron and the Army's cruel joke) and weapons of choice

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