Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tears of the Sun (2003) Revisited

Bruce Willis, man of action. He played Lieutenant AK Waters of the US Navy SEAL (i like how they coined his name) sent to rescue Monica Bellucci (va-va-vroom!!). This figure by Action Trend was released in 2003 when the movie came out. It featured the customised left-thigh drop-down holster coz Bruce is left-handed. Like I mentioned before, the "go-to" guy for action movies.

Close-up of Bruce

This is the reason why I'm into 1/6 scale figures - the articulation. They can hold so many poses and look so realistic doing it, not to mention the detailed 1/6 items, from uniforms to weapons and accessories. These figures actually have to put on the uniform and deck themselves out in full gear before they can report for work, not like the other 12-inch plastic figures produced by Marvel/Neca/McFarlane that are made entirely of plastic (everything is plastic-moulded and not removable nor customiseable). I can understand when they make completely plastic figures for figures less than 8 inches coz can you imagine handling items at that scale? But why make 12-inch figures completely out of plastic when the technology is available to accessorise them at this scale. Then there are the exorbitantly priced statues that hold one pose and stay frozen that way forever - nice to look at but they can't do anything else.


  1. These figures actually have to put on the uniform and deck themselves out in full gear before they can report for work, not like the other 12-inch plastic figures produced by Marvel/Neca/McFarlane that are made entirely of plastic (everything is plastic-moulded and not removable nor customiseable). I can understand when they make completely plastic figures for figures less than 8 inches coz can you imagine handling items at that scale? But why make 12-inch figures completely out of plastic when the technology is available to accessorise them at this scale. Then there are the exorbitantly priced statues that hold one pose and stay frozen that way forever - nice to look at but they can't do anything else.

    very well put Alex, though I can hear the villagers with their torches and pitchforks approaching. :)

  2. ha!ha! blog is personal opinion lah - don't want to vent on forums coz there will definitely be a witch hunt then. always wanted to say how i felt and i guess, my own blog is the best way to do it. thanks for the support ;P

  3. You can't deny the craftsmanship put into those sculpts though, it's like asking why people build dioramas, or why video games about sports are made. For some, the out-of-scale aesthetics given by the fabric and moving parts just simply are not fancy to them. Nice blog though, really nice collection and well written pieces, I learned a thing or two about various different things from reading all this.

  4. I admit the sculpts of the statues are nice and some of the extreme poses are amazing and obviously cannot be duplicated by 1/6 clothed figures but for me, the price just doesn't justify it. That's why I stick to 12-inch clothed figures, especially now with some of the best and most realistic sculpts being produced. Thanks for the compliments, I do what I can to share the poison, eh... I meant passion :)
