Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cobra Trooper

The foot soldiers of the Cobra terrorist organisation, kitbashed.


  1. This is complete. Thank you


    I'm Francisco 33 years old. I born in Venezuela July, 6, 1980
    I start my G.I.JOE Collection in Dec 1990.
    My first ffigure was Remack 3 3/4 a G.I.JOE Comandos Heroicos Manufactured by Rubliplas underlicense of Hasbro.
    Well I saw your post

    This figure 12 is amazing.
    This guy remember me the "Assault Infantry" from Soldiers Inc (Is a game from facebook)

    Assaul Infantry
    Unit Type: Heavy Infantry
    Designation: Offense

    Wow, did you make this figure?
    Is a custome right? Or I wrong

    You can publish some picture in and
    About you can found any kind of pictures (wherever), just write in the line of search
    for example, jungle, shark, girls, cobra commander, Saint Michel Archangel anythink you can founde it.

    I'm in Uruguay right know in processto return U.S.A maybe I gonna live in Arlinggton TX or Miami.

    I want to buy 4 o these guys(Cobra Trooper - Cobra foot soldier) when I arrive U.S.A.

    I want still in contact

    Thanks for post
    Best wishes

    All Hail Cobra!!!!

  2. Thanks Fancisco for the compliments :)

    Yes, this is a custom figure I put together. Best part of it is: I didn't have any reference, just out of interest and taking loose parts from my kitbash bin.

