Thursday, August 7, 2008

Operation Enduring Freedom 7 - "Hugh"

Another US Marine in Afghanistan, released by Dragon in 2002. This time it's "Hugh" from the USMC 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) operating in Kandahar, November 2001. He has his Kevlar helmet with desert camouflage cover and camouflage netting, NVG mounting bracket, US flag, goggles, desert BDU, AN/PVS-7 NVG, woodlands camouflage body armor, magazine & utility pouches, two anti-personnel mines & arming tool, two M67 frag grenades, Mk13 signal flare, KaBar knife & scabbard, angle torchlight, Motorola walkie-talkie, water canteen, gas mask case, M16A2 rifle with AN/PEQ-2 laser designator, M68 Aimpoint & ITT6010A Night Vision scope, AT4 anti-armor launcher, backpack with metal frame harness, foam bed roll & desert camouflage cover bag, and combat boots.


  1. wats with the re-visit of DML figures?
    I notice some of your OD back pack has faded under the UV light, time to call in 3M to install the protective films!

  2. hi marcus, while awaiting new shipments to come, i decided to post some of my old stuff and document my collection lah ;p i also noticed the OD stuff faded over time - amazing thing is, the backpack was covered by the desert cover so imagine my surprise when i removed the cover to find that the backpack had faded! And my cabinets have no lighting and are placed away from the windows. Natural weathering - ha! ha!
