Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Diving to the rescue

Is June RSN (Republic of Singapore Navy) month or something? Today's papers has an article of the RSN Deep Search and Rescue-6 (DSAR-6) submarine rescue vehicle being put through its paces at Changi Naval base yesterday. The DSAR-6 weighs 25 tonnes and measures 10m x 3.3m. Operated by 3 personnel, it can hold up to 17 rescued people and carry out operations at a depth of up to 500m.

About 5o participants from 16 submarine-operating navies and Nato headquarters attending the 3-day Asia Pacific Submarine Conference were given a tour of the RSN's submarine support and rescue vessel, the Swift Rescue, as well as the DSAR-6.

As the picture of the DSAR-6 in the papers was partially submerged, I googled the net and found this picture of the submarine rescue vehicle

Other coverage of the RSN so far: Singapore's very own Green Beret/SEAL (link here), Silent Hunter (see my post here) and Archer prepped for RSN (earlier post here)

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