Monday, November 2, 2009

New from ZYTOYS - CheyTac M200 Sniper Rifle

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The CheyTac Intervention M-200 rifle is an American-made bolt action heavy sniper rifle designed by CheyTac LLC. for long range soft target interdiction (i.e. anti-personnel/sniper). The CheyTac Intervention rifle is fed using a detachable single stack magazine, which holds 7 rounds. It fires .408 CheyTac or .375 CheyTac ammunition. [ source: wiki ]

In the film "Shooter", released in 2007, Mark Wahlberg is Bob Lee Swagger, a retired Gunnery Sergeant Marine Scout Sniper who is framed for murder by a rogue secret private military company unit. This conspiracy thriller was directed by Antoine Fuqua based on the novel Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter. "Shooter" depicts a number of sniper tactics, thanks to the guidance of former US Marine scout sniper Patrick Garrity, who trained Mark Wahlberg in sniper tactics. Garrity taught Wahlberg to shoot both left and right-handed (the actor is left-handed), as he had to switch shooting posture throughout the movie, due to Swagger's sustained injuries. His training included extreme distance shooting (up to 1,100 yards), and the use of camouflage ghillie suits.

Throughout the film, Swagger uses an array of sniper weapons, among which are the USMC M40A3 rifle and Barrett M82 sniper rifles, and Donnie Fenn used an M4 Carbine with a M203 grenade launcher and M68 Close Combat Optic in the African opening sequences, the Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention to shoot the Dinty Moore stew can and Remington 700P.

And from ZYTOYS come these 1/6 CheyTac M200 Sniper Rifles. The first comes in gun metal grey and has a silencer.

There's also the OD (Olive Drab) green version with a muzzle flash barrel

Desert camouflage version with a muzzle flash at the end of the barrel

And Arctic Snow (whitewashed winter camo), complete with silenced barrel

Previously posted: 1/6 scale 12" United States Marine Corps (USMC) Sniper code-named "Snake", released by BBI Elite Force in 2001.

A recent newspaper article on snipers in the waters off Somalia - "3 shots, 3 kills" HERE

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