Thursday, November 5, 2009

Warship Rises From Twin Towers

This was reported in the newspaper yesterday: New warship USS New York, built with steel from the World Trade Center, arrived in its namesake city to a 21-gun salute near the site of Sept 11, 2001 terror attacks. The bow of the US$1 billion ship contains about 7.5 tonnes of steel taken from the fallen towers. It is 208m long and can carry up to 8,000 Marines. Its flight deck can handle helicopters and the MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.

Two other ships are being built to honor the Sept 11 victims. The USS Arlington is so named as a reminder of the attack on the Pentagon. The USS Somerset is named after the county in Pennsylvania where United Airlines flight 93 crashed.

Best recycling effort ever. Let's hope these ships and the troops and equipment they carry can CRUSH the lives out of all the Taleban and Al-Qaeda terrorists! What a fitting tribute that'll be.

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