Monday, March 22, 2010

More than 700 SmackDowns!

This article appeared in The Straits Times "life! • home & garden" section on Saturday. Photo Editor Ms Sharon Lee has amassed more than 700 WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) action figures since 2007. Familiar names like Bret "The Hitman" Hart, Hulk Hogan and Million Dollar Man as well as Shawn Michaels, the Undertaker and John Cena fill up her cabinet display shelves in one of her rooms dedicated to the figurines.

I say "GOOD for her" and thumbs up for local collectors :)


  1. I think Desmond would love to visit her house!

  2. Ahha! I was going to say the same thing Adrian. XD

  3. Yes Adrian and Alex, I know this lady and had talked to her in CSC U-Toys before. Sharon told me her father always watched WWE programme during her childhood time. So, ending up she joined her father watching the programme and she herself then started this interest. Salute to the Queen of WWE fan :)

  4. A wow for the collection and another wow for a female toy collector who are into Wrestling which most ladies do not like.

    Does she have a blog or photos of her collection?

    I agree Desmond will like to visit her home for the figures.

    btw Alex you know the HBO The pacific? It is like the band of brothers.

  5. Hey Alex! pardon if i ask this question, but have you faced any problems such as leaking oil from the abs section of your DX batman??

  6. FACT: Collecting action figures increases a girl's hotness factor by 40 percent.
    Dash has spoken.

  7. That is so cool it hurts. I don't go for wrestling myself, but it is always good to see someone who loves and supports their hobby like that. Especially if they get some recognition for it!

  8. Heya, Sharon here, my husband alerted me to this blog. I have tons of pics on my FB page. U guys can come visit me anytime as long as you don't steal stuff. Lol

  9. Hi LEon, I'm waiting for the DVD series to come out :)

    Hey Joshua, my DX is still leaking oil :( other thann that, it's a fine figure

    Hola Sharon, thanks for writing and the invitation. I'll let everybody know CHEERS
