Thursday, April 15, 2010

Batman Dark Knight Armory Diorama

It had to happen :)

GeeWhiz, a group of toy enthusiasts whose specialty is to add value and transform your precious collectibles into works of art has created this Custom Made Batman Armory Diorama for 1:6 Scale Hot Toys Dark Knight figure.

Features: LED Top Lights, Six Rotatable/Pivoting Weapons Organizer Racks, Swiveling Front and Back Doors, and Metal-Lined Rear Weapons Panel that allows easy attachment of Magnetic Sticky-Bomb Gun

For inquiries, send Private Message or eMail
For More Info Visit


  1. This is an awesome piece of work :)

  2. Hi Bro...need some advise. I will be shifting house soon hence would like to ask you how you handled moving your massive toy collection over to your new place when you moved house not too long ago.

  3. Thats Bleau's work of art! He's a friend of ours on Flickr. Very talented. =]

  4. Hi Desmond, Jon, Bleau is certainly very talented!! That's why I'd to share the pictures in this post.

    Hey Adrian, not sure if my situation is the same as yours. I actually bought my new place before selling the old and managed to pack my stuff and bring them all over & put them in the store-room before the BIG move involving all the heavy stuff such as furniture and countless display cabinets etc etc. I didn't trust the moving guys with my stuff so those were personally transported by moi :) perhaps temporarily storing them at those store-hub warehouse might help until you are all settled in. Then slowly but surely move the toys in since they aren't the essential stuff that you'll need when you first move into a whole new place. The unpacking for us was quite a massive logistics task. All the BEST man ;p
