Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hot Toys T2 Sarah Connor Review I

Hot Toys MMS119 (Movie Masterpiece Series) "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" ("T2" for short) 1/6th scale Sarah Connor Collectible Figure is HERE :)

Box Packaging is consistent with the Hot Toys T2 T-800 figure (reviewed earlier HERE), featuring metallic silver printed slipcase cover on the front

and back of the cover as well. There's quite a lengthy write-up about Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) on the back, from her being a timid mousy waitress in the first "Terminator" film to becoming the super fit, muscled, ferocious warrior in T2. Do you notice how Hot Toys has excluded extra product pictures nowadays? You are expected to know how to assemble the parts without reference?

The slipcase cover lifts upwards to reveal the tray with all its contents

There's the essential Instruction Manual (actually just a sheet) for the new rubber body with its "dos" and "don'ts' as well as a "Parts Assembly Guide"

To fight the machines, Sarah Connor doesn't take any chances and Hot Toys T2 Sarah Connor comes with quite a number of 1/6 scale weapons: a Colt Commando CAR-15 carbine with flash hider, a sound suppressor, laser pointer and an ACOG scope; Remington 870 Police Combat Shotgun with Folding Stock, outfitted with a high-capacity magazine tube and spare shotshell holders; Detonics Custom 1911 pistol and her combat knife with black leather sheath.

A closer look at the 1/6 Colt Commando CAR-15 carbine with flash hider and ACOG scope, with sling, sliding stock fully extended and the 30-round magazine removed

The ACOG scope mounted on the carrying handle of the Colt Commando CAR-15 carbine. While some weapon reviewers had identified the weapon used in the T2 film as the Colt Commando CAR-15 carbine, the inscription on the lower receiver group says this is a SR-16 M4 Stoner Rifle Cal 5.56mm weapon and it even has the "safe", "semi" and "auto" settings next to the trigger.

The laser pointer, sound suppressor and magazine for the SR-16 M4 Stoner Rifle

The SR-16 rifle with butt stock retracted, flash hider removed and replaced with laser pointer and sound suppressor. Note the opening dust cover as well.

Remington 870 Police Combat Shotgun outfitted with a high-capacity magazine tube and spare shotshell holders with Folding Stock fully extended, Detonics Custom 1911 pistol with removable magazine and combat knife with black leather sheath.

A closer look at the combat knife and black leather sheath.

1/6 scale Detonics Custom 1911 pistol with moving hammer, working slide and removable magzine

Here's another shot of Sarah Connor's weapons assembled, loaded and ready for action

Remington 870 Police Combat Shotgun with Folding Stock, and five shotgun shells stored in the spare shotshell holders

Other accessories include four extra hands - one for holding her cigarette, one for grasping her knife, one trigger hand for her weapons, one hand for supporting the weapons when she's firing, her sunglasses and black cap.

Here's Hot Toys 12-inch Sarah Connor in her tank top, military style pants with web belt and combat boots. Her assault vest has been removed to show off the new Hot Toys female figure rubber body with hidden joints. There is quite a fair bit of articulation at the neck, shoulders and elbows. Her arms do not just raise up and down like Barbie's. These are the newly developed muscular rubber arms.

Now let's look at the 1/6 scale Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton) head sculpt. Is the likeness to the actress there? It's a pretty close and accurate realization if you ask me - the resemblance to Linda Hamilton is all there, down to the fringe of her hair and ponytail.

And another look at the upper body of Hot Toys T2 Sarah Connor

Hot Toys T2 Sarah Connor also comes with a watch on her right wrist and wristband on her left wrist.

She also comes with detachable and interchangeable fringes, one with her hair hanging downwards over her forehead

and another fringe with middle parting of her hair to the sides (for when she wears her cap)

Here she is with her shades

A closer look at her web belt or tactical belt

Her military style pants

And her combat boots (or "boot-feet" since this is a Hot Toys product, they don't have feet as wearing 1/6 scale boots would make the feet appear bigger and not entirely to scale)

Which is why I think hot Toys made a mistake to include the 1/6 cap as it is way too BIG. If they were concerned about boots making the feet look oversized, why didn't they apply the same principle to hats and caps? I'll definitely be keeping the cap far away from her after this.

Next post
we'll see Sarah with her enhanced tactical load bearing vest with four magazine pouches and armed for action!


  1. Hii, my name is Nina and I am a student in NYP, in Media Studies & Management. I was amazed with your hobby of collecting toys. Currently, Im on an assignment to interview someone who is an avid toy collector. Was wondering if you could lend a hand in my assignment :)

    Contact me through

    Thank you :)

  2. Hot Toy definitely make men much better than women.

  3. Hi Nina, I am honored that you would consider me for your assignment. I'd in fact given a video interview to some NYP students not too long ago and that was only becoz one of the students was in fact my nephew and he needed help to complete an assignment and that was why i agreed.

    Hey Wee Seng, that's a pretty base-less and sweeping statement without any facts or reasons why you think so. Perhaps if you could state your reasons then we could at least agree to disagree or vice-versa. As far as I can see, Hot Toys is pretty spot on in terms of movie authenticity and accuracy including character likeness and resemblance so I'm not sure where you are coming from :)

  4. If you compare the male and female figures, male facial features scores more in likeness to their real life counterparts than female's. From Silk Spectre II to Abigail Whistler, their likeness in regards to the actresses is not as accurate as the actors, eg. The Comedian, Joker, Blade, etc.

    Female facial features are probably harder to sculpt than male.

    Not saying Hot Toys Female figures are of low quality. Hot Toys definitely make the best figures currently. Just that their female figures can't as yet compare to the male ones.

  5. Well said Wee Seng :) now I know from which angle you are coming from. This one's pretty close in terms of facial features; I think the Hot Toys Sarah Connor prototype pictures looked better, or maybe my photography skills isn't doing it justice. Got to go practice, practice & practice. CHEERS

  6. Nothing to do with your photography skills, which is great by the way. I have been following your blog for quite a while. You definitely do the models justice. :)

    I think its because men has harder features, so its easier to sculpt. Whereas women has softer features, and its quite hard to bring out the beauty of a real life female on a model, yet. :p

  7. thanks for the kind words and compliments Wee Seng :)

    I get your point now - at least the sculpts have improved quite a bit. hopefully HT can perfect the female headsculpts by the time they release Black Widow

  8. the white markings on the gun make it look like an airsoft model
