Tuesday, October 19, 2010

1/6 T2 T-800 with GE M134 Minigun

Now that my Hot Toys 1/6 scale 12-inch T2 T-800 has his M79 (see my earlier post), I can put everything together to recreate this next iconic image :)

In one of the more notable scenes of the film, the T-800 engages the police assembled outside the Cyberdyne building with a hand-held GE M134 Mini-gun destroying the police cars while leaving the police officers themselves unharmed.

The Minigun is a 7.62 mm, multi-barrel machine gun with a high rate of fire (2,000 to 6,000 rounds per minute), employing Gatling-style rotating barrels with an external power source. In popular culture, the term "Minigun" has come to refer to any externally-powered Gatling gun of rifle caliber, though the term is sometimes used to refer to guns of similar rates of fire and configuration, regardless of power source and caliber. Specifically, minigun refers to a single weapon, originally produced by General Electric. The "Mini" of the name is in comparison to designs that use a similar firing mechanism but larger shells, such as General Electric's earlier 20 mm M61 Vulcan.

The gun in T2 used the same custom Y-frame as in the "Predator" film, with some modifications.

This Minigun i.e. the one used in the "T2" film has a relatively slower rate of fire (you can see the barrels rotate). According to the ad when it was sold when Stembridge went under the rate of fire was geared at 1,250 rounds per minute.

In order to fire the GE M134 Minigun, the Terminator carries a duffel bag full of ammo.

At the rate of fire, there's no way one can carry enough ammunition to fire it for more than a couple of seconds and the 7.62mm M134 minigun needs a power source: three truck batteries to be exact. But from a movie perspective, it was super-uber-cool.

More pictures I took of this Hot Toys 1/6 scale 12-inch T2 T-800 (FULL review here) with 7.62mm GE M134 minigun, duffel bag with belt-fed ammunition and M79 grenade launcher (1/6 scale version from COO Model reviewed here) slung over left shoulder.

The GE M134 Minigun with ammo belt and duffel bag came with the Hot Toys 2005 released MMS02 (!) Battle Damaged Terminator (check out the pictures HERE and HERE)

Scroll down for more pictures. I had fun taking pictures of this combination - Hot Toys 1/6 scale 12-inch T2 T-800 with 7.62mm GE M134 minigun, duffel bag with belt-fed ammunition and M79 grenade launcher slung over left shoulder ENJOY :)

Some close-up shots of the T2 T-800

Close-up views of the 1/6 scale GE M134 Minigun (click on the landscape pictures for a bigger and better view)


  1. I got to have the minigun...it is sooooo coool

  2. Damn..that is totally wicked..I'm drooling right now

  3. Hi Alex,

    "Speechless & superb TERIMINATOR".



  4. Oh man! Nice bash. Now all you need is a Harley and you're all set!

  5. Got myself one of these. In Toyz Armed Forces 1/6 Scale Gatling Gun from ebay it will need a little work but i think i can get a good result....im still a bit lost on how to replicate the ammo bag any tips would be helpful many thank ..........joneefubar

  6. Always thought it was a bit too lucky that no cops were killed in that engagement - the randomness of car explosions and gunfire would make a non-lethal result quite unlikely, even if intended.

    Good point about carrying all that ammunition - but maybe somehow he used his own internal power cells instead of lugging around truck batteries?

  7. Perfect accessories for an amzing figure.
    btw, the Hot Toys Comedian figure actually comes with a grenade launcher that looks exactly like the one the T-800 uses.

  8. thanks guys for the nice and encouraging words :)

    @jonee, the InToyz Gatling Gun didn't come with the ammo bag whereas this version released by HT did. Not sure how to replicate the ammo bag but i remember seeing a similar one in OD green from Loading Toys "Courier" set


    yup, young John Connor commanded the T-800 not to kill people so Arnie only injured them. Even if the T-800 did plug into his own power source, they didn't show it in the film - one of those "movie magic" things (leave your brain at the door and just enjoy the movie haha)

    U R rite Jon, the HT Comedian was also armed with the M79 and the sling looked more authentic than COO Model's version.

  9. Thanks @lex Gen for the tip.. that would do nicely but getting hold of one is different matter LOL...ill get it sorted eventualy
    Many Thanks joneefubar

  10. Perhaps I missed it, and at the expense of looking like a total noob, I gotta know....WHERE can I get this minigun?? Is it from another figure, sold as a separate accessory...? I must have it! :D

    Btw, I love your blog, Alex. I'm always checking it out.


  11. Hi LUDY

    Welcome & thanks :)

    The GE M134 Minigun with ammo belt and duffel bag came with the Hot Toys 2005 released MMS02 (!) Battle Damaged Terminator. That's 5 years ago & the closest 1/6 version was the InToyz gatling gun but no bag though :(


  12. Thanks again @lex got the very bag u wrote about of ebay should be here soon along with the gun happy days....... P.S. your site rocks keep up the good work... Many Thanks ....Joneefubar ;)!

  13. glad you got your fix jonee & thanks for the encouragement CHEERS

  14. Hey Alex where u got rhe duffle bag? Any particular brand?thanks

  15. The GE M134 Minigun with ammo belt and duffel bag came with the Hot Toys 2005 released MMS02 (!) Battle Damaged Terminator.

    There is a similar bag in OD green from Loading Toys "Courier" set



  16. I think both HANDS of the T800 should of weared the black leather glove, since IT get rid of the skin out of it's left hand to "SHOW OFF", lol. Anyway, it is simply amazing!!!!

  17. you know some toy company released an M134 minigun similar to this but it has t-600 style ammo bag

  18. Yes, CooModel recently released pictures of their M134 minigun with ammo bag similar to this one released by Hot Toys in 2005. CHEERS

  19. They released this set with the bag? The one I got only had the minigun and a case of some sorts....but no bag?

  20. hiya George :) the InToyz Gatling Gun didn't come with the ammo bag whereas this version released by HT did.

    The GE M134 Minigun with ammo belt and duffel bag came with the Hot Toys 2005 released MMS02 (!) Battle Damaged Terminator.

  21. Sucks to know they came out with a new DX version because I already bought the minigun and grenade launcher. And bought Joker gloved hands as well. Sigh.. Market spoiler.
