Friday, November 12, 2010

More STUNNING Daniel Picard pictures!

Remember my earlier post about Daniel Picard, Photographer Extraordinaire from Canada who has AMAZING photography and digital imaging skills. Well, he has more pictures to share with us and these pictures really blow my mind!

What more can I say? Let the pictures speak for themselves!
ENJOY :) click on the pictures to get a bigger and better view

Drop by his site: and be awed by his photography skills. Dan doesn't just take pictures of toys; his photos of animals, people, events, places and vehicles are just as jaw-droppingly AWESOME!


  1. Are those 1/6 scale Bertie's? Menacing! You need RPG's to fight those machines!
    Did he edit these photos using photoshops (or something) or just plain 1/6 scaled props as-is?

  2. Hi AL, from what I understand, Dan uses photo imaging and places the 1/6 scale figures on actual 1:1 scale backgrounds so that they look real. Pretty neat and most convincing :)

  3. Hi guys, thanks Alex for the article :)

    And like Alex said, I bring the toys with me on locations. I don't really like to take them out of their glass cabinets in my office and I'm always worried that a little gun or knife will fall somewhere but since these are real objects and not CG like in Transformers/District 9, it's the only way I can be sure that the lighting is going to be the same everywhere.

  4. I also want to share some nice 1/6 war scenes I saw here :
