Sunday, March 6, 2011

Geared Up for War Games

I saw this picture in the papers the day before and it prompted me to search for more images on line. This is a picture of American 2nd Infantry Division soldiers in gas masks and anti-chemical gear checking their kits during a joint United States-South Korean chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear detection and response drill north of Seoul on Thursday, March 3, 2011. South Korean and US troops kicked off the annual exercise on Monday, with North Korea quick to slam them as a rehearsal for an invasion that could trigger nuclear war on the divided peninsula.

I've not seen pictures of this type of gear before (check out what I think is the backpack oxygen tank with breathing tube connected to the mask) and it certainly looks BADA$$. Also interesting to note is that the overgarments are still the Woodlands camouflage type.

US and South Korean soldiers have displayed their techniques for handling weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the face of nuclear-armed North Korea's sabre-rattling. Personnel and a variety of equipment were on show to the media at a training exercise simulating the detection and disposal of North Korean chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. The drill is part of ongoing annual joint military exercises that the North has described as a rehearsal for invasion. Seoul and Washington, whose military alliance dates back to the 1950-53 war, say they are purely defensive.

Photo caption: A US soldier wears chemical warfare gear during a joint military exercise with South Korea at a US Army base in Dongducheon, 40kms north of Seoul, on March 3, 2011 aimed to simulate the detection and disposal of North Korea's chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. US and South Korean soldiers displayed their techniques for handling weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the face of North Korea's nuclear sabre-rattling.

Here's the soldier all suited up.

Photo caption: A US soldier in a chemical warfare suit during the South Korea-US Key Resolve and Foal Eagle joint military exercises at Camp Carroll, in Waegwan 300 km south of Seoul, South Korea, on 03 March 2011. South Korean and US military forces are holding their annual Key Resolve and Foal Eagle exercises from 28 Febuary to 10 March 2011.

[source: military photos]


  1. Nice pics. BTW, the gear the two fellows in woodland camo are carrying in the first picture aren't backpack oxygen tanks. Those are PAPRs (Powered Air-Purifying Respirators), and the two circular objects on the side of either backpack are CBRN/NBC canisters (they serve as air filters). It looks like they might have backpack SCBA gear as well (in which case you would be correct that they have oxygen tanks), but it's difficult to tell for sure from the angle the picture was taken.

  2. THANKS for that most fascinating bit of info :) It's really GREAT to know what they are and what they do CHEERS

  3. You're welcome. Just glad to contribute even a tiny wee bit to your most excellent site. It's easily one of the top 10 toy-related sites on the 'net, IMO, it's quite informative, and the pictures you take of the figures in your collection are always very well-framed.

  4. Thanks for the compliments too! It's always nice to know that others appreciate what I'm doing with my passion. Thanks for all the support!
