Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Two buddies having drinks - 8 cans, 2 bottles & 2 cases (ALL 1:6)!

Here's a picture of two buddies having drinks at the table after a hard day's work. What are they discussing about? Your guess is as good as mine. Buddy 1 (on the left) is Toymaster 1/6 scale War Journalist 2.0 [Battlefield Hero] - previewed earlier HERE and buddy number 2 is Dr Figures CIA Field Operator (previewed HERE). More on these two 12-inch figures later. This post is about the stuff on the table - mainly drinks.

The two of them could be catching up on the latest gossip. You may have seen or heard some of the funny Charlie Sheen quotes that have come from his most recent publicity. One of them is "Can't is the cancer of Happen" - what?!

Other funny quotes include: "I'm on a drug, it's called Charlie Sheen", "I'm here. I'm ready. They're not. Bring it." and "That's how I roll. I have one speed, one gear, GO!"

How about "Don't judge me until you've walked a mile in my shoes, snorted a mile of my coke, drank a vial of my Tigerblood."? Want more? "Dying is for Fools" and "I'm not bi-polar I'm bi-winning" (LOL)

These "Drinks & Cases" set came from an unknown manufacturer. Set comes with 4 cans of beer, 4 cans of soft drinks, 2 bottles of mineral water and 2 cases (red and green in color)

Close-up view of the 1:6 scale water bottles

Close-up picture of the 1:6 scale cans with label names misspelled so as not to run foul of the law and into copyright issues.

Here's a closer look at the two cases. NOTE: Table and chairs are NOT part of the set. I wanted to set it up so that I could get a feel of the scale in comparison with the figures.

So CHEERS guys, drinks on me haha ;p you can get yours at The Falcon's Hangar (TFH). You can also have some food to go with the drinks

Related posts:
A case of two Leons & one Wasabi - 1:6 scale Japanese food stuff by Rement
1/6 stuff for kitbashing OR just some of my stash - kitbash 101 it ain't but a good read all the same

1 comment:

  1. The bottle look real but the can look a bit off. Maybe it's just me.
