Monday, May 9, 2011

Daniel Picard Pictures - Post #4

Daniel Picard has so kindly shared five more pictures he has taken with us. What can I say that has not already been said? He's Dan the Man! ENJOY the pictures :)

When I first saw the picture below, I thought of the caption "Vantage from on high" or "View from above" (better yet, "A view to a kill") - click on the pictures for a bigger and better view. They are simply amazing!

"Who goes there? CAN or foe?"

"Look ma, no blaster!"

The Iron vs the CAN

"You are this close to me giving you the evil eye."

Other Picard posts:
Sept 10, 2010 - Post #1: Meet Daniel Picard, Photographer Extraordinaire
Nov 12, 2010 - Post #2: More STUNNING Daniel Picard pictures!
Jan 12, 2011 - Post#3: Popbots, MOPP, WWII, Stormtrooper and Beachhead!

1 comment:

  1. woooa,, those pictures are amazing,,especialy for Ironman's light hand
