Friday, September 30, 2011

BBK 1/6 Comic Clown PREVIEW aka The PS3 Arkham Asylum Joker 12-inch Figure

This is the BBK–002 1/6 scale Comic Clown 12-inch figure. What is it with clowns? They scare the $#!+ out of little children most of the time and they rarely wear a happy face when they are performing. Even when they do put on a smiley face, it is never something to cheer about. They just look downright creepy with their white make-up face and grotesque image.

The concept of the evil clown is related to the irrational fear of clowns, known as coulrophobia. The image of the evil clown is a development in popular culture, in which the playful trope of the clown is rendered as disturbing through the use of horror elements and dark humor.

The Joker, the archenemy of Batman, is a murderously insane and evil, wicked super villain with a disturbing clown-like appearance.

BBK#002 1/6 Comic Clown 12-inch figure (which looks very much like the PS3 Batman Arkham Asylum Joker from the video game) will feature 1/6 Joker head, 12-inch Clown body, orange vest, striped coat, striped trousers, leather shoes and gold chain.

The DC comics JOKER character first appeared in Batman #1 (1940). His appearance was inspired by the character of Gwynplaine from the film "The Man Who Laughs", played by Conrad Veidt. Gwynplaine had been a victim of gypsies who had cut off his lips so it appeared as if he were always smiling. Many of the Joker's henchmen in turn dress up like clowns.

Throughout his comic book appearances, the Joker is portrayed as a master criminal whose characterization has varied. The original and currently dominant image is of a highly intelligent psychopath with a warped, sadistic sense of humor, while other writers have portrayed him as an eccentric prankster.

There have been several different origin tales; they most commonly depict him as falling into a tank of chemical waste, which bleaches his skin white and turns his hair green and his lips bright red, giving him the appearance of a clown.

Other scary clown figures (evil clowns) figures: In the Stephen King novel It, as well as the TV miniseries starring Tim Curry, seven children are haunted by an evil shape-shifting creature that primarily takes the form of an evil clown named Pennywise.

The science fiction/horror comedy film Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) features carnivorous aliens who resemble evil clowns.

In Todd McFarlane's Spawn, Spawn's nemesis, The Violator, takes the form of a demonic clown.

The horror film Poltergeist (1982) features a creepy-looking clown doll that at some point becomes possessed by an evil spirit and attempts to choke a young boy to death.

In the Supernatural episode of "Everybody Loves A Clown" the creature is a rakshasa which takes the form of a clown so the children will trust it. The rakshasa will then kill the parents when it enters their house, leaving the child.

So there you have it. Next time you throw a party for your little ones, don't invite a clown! Or a purple dinosaur for that matter haha – just kidding, of course XD


  1. To each his own on this figure I guess...not for me. Zero interest in this Joker version. Not sure why but nothing about it screams "WOW I have to get this one too!" Now the DC Direct version is vastly underrated don't you think? I thought he came out great!

  2. My problem with DC Direct figures is that they are all too BIG!

  3. Since they were the only ones making all the DC characters...that's all I could get. On a shelf all together they look pretty nice though. I have about 20 of them maybe? pus...super hero's are buff! not little and wimpy guys! LOL!

  4. I'm very sure they look GREAT together :) It's just personal, I guess. I would have preferred to have them stand shoulder to shoulder with the movie figures, a bit of the old mixed in with the new but I guess we just can't have everything >_<

  5. IMO The Joker is not as frightening or creepy as any real clown I have ever seen, and he seems human in comparison.

  6. Hi Guru, like to seek your opinion on the quality and make of these figure from BBK on their 1/6. I like this Joker but wonder about the quality. Can advise me pls? Tq.

  7. Hi Aron, I've seen the quality of BBK001 which is the Osama Bin laden figure and it's quite good. I was confident enough to pre-order BBK003 Jonah Hex figure. If you really like this Joker figure, I think you can go ahead and pre-order it. Just my two cents :) CHEERS

  8. wow that is a fast reply. Tks. Done my order liao.

    Another thing, was looking for your first hand review on ACI Generalissimo Sun Yat-Sen. Wonder if you will put up one. Heheh.

    This figure looks nice enough to me, but again wonder about their quality.

  9. hi Aron, glad you ordered yours :) Re: ACI Generalissimo Sun Yat-Sen - not my cup of tea so not getting it CHEERS

  10. I ended up seeing this at Wondercon, it's actually a cool looking figure, especially for the price point.

  11. Thanks for the update George :) you must have had quite a ball at Wondercon - glad to see on fb that you enjoyed it!
