Sunday, November 20, 2011

Incoming: ZCWO 1/6 Mens Collection Boxing Legend outfit set

This will be ZCWO's next release: Vol. 003 1/6 scale Mens Collection Boxing Legend (Action Figure Not Included) which looks rather interesting and GREAT for kitbashing, if you are into kitbashing. Kitbashing is the practice of modifying a model (not limited to toy action figures) to achieve some result other than that intended by the manufacturer. So since this is a outfit and accessories set with NO 12-inch figure included, the choice is left to you to decide how you want your figure to look.

The 1/6 scale Sylvester Stallone looking head sculpt is used purely for marketing purposes and is NOT part of this Mens Collection set. The fact that this ZCWO 1/6 scale Mens Collection Boxing Legend outfit set comes with boxing gloves is definitely inspired by Sylvester Stallone's role as Rocky in the 1976 movie "Rocky" about a small time boxer who gets a once-in-a-lifetime chance to fight the world heavyweight boxing champion in a bout in which he strives to go the distance for his self-respect.

ROCKY, made on a budget of less than $1 million and shot in 28 days, was a sleeper hit; it made over $225 million which was the highest grossing film of 1976, and won three Oscars, including Best Picture. The film received many positive reviews and turned Stallone into a major star. It spawned five sequels: Rocky II, III, IV, V and Rocky Balboa.

ZCWO 1/6 scale Mens Collection Boxing Legend outfit set will come with Denim Jeans, Denim Jacket, Black Sweater, Brown Leather Belt, Black Cold Cap, Backpack, Black Socks, Black Boxing Shoes, Red Boxing Gloves, Necklace, Towel

Accessories include 1/6 scale Mirror, Clothes Hook, Metal Bucket x 2, Folding Chair, Water Bottle x 10, Beer Cans x 6, Lighter, Cigarettes x 2, Banknotes x 12, Posters x 20, Changing Room Background

Also included: Body Parts - 2 pairs of hands, 1 pair of Feet and 1 pair of Bandaged Fists

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