Sunday, December 23, 2012

Over 10,000,000 (Ten Million) Pageviews and Counting - A BIG Thank You to Everyone :)

When I posted my first toy blog entry in TOY HAVEN back on July 18, 2007 (see my very first post HERE), I never imagined that there will come a day when I'll get over 10,000,000 pageviews but that day has come and sooner than I thought possible. In a short span of over five years from then till now (Blogger Stats has it from May 2008 - December 2012), there have been so many pageviews and visitors to my toy blog that has seen TOY HAVEN grow in visitor numbers year by year and I have everyone to thank for that :) If you are reading this, then you are one of the contributing factors and I thank you. I count myself very blessed for having met so many fellow collectors and like-minded people over the years and a lot of you have been with me for a very long time, going by the comments and emails I have received and I thank you all for that :)

It will never beat South Korean Psy's Gangnam Style video which has already amassed 1 billion hits but hey, I'm doing my small part for the toy community in general and the 1/6 scale collectors' market in particular. Nowadays when I need to look for stuff on my toy blog, I find it a lot easier and faster to google it as it usually appears on the first page of the searched list. There have been occasions where other bloggers and scumbag thieves have taken my entire posts including my pictures and reposted them as their own but that has not reduced the visitor numbers at all. I look forward to all your continued support as I continue my passion of blogging about the subject of toys and the things I enjoy in my free time. JESUS comes first (because of Him, I've been incredibly blessed) and family is second but toys are a very close third haha

Toys are a hobby and not the all and be all. I collect what I LIKE and ENJOY what I have :) I always remind myself to just be HAPPY with what I've got. I don't live life with regrets (e.g. why didn't I buy that version? why did I buy the earlier version and now a new version / re-release is out? why why why) Why can't one ever be satisfied? As long as we are always chasing after something, we'll never be satisfied because there'll always be something else to chase after. Life's like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The hobby used to be a lot cheaper and more affordable. The truth is: I'd much prefer a good figure at a decent price than a great figure at USD250. I can buy at least two figures for that price and still have change left over for accessories / uniform sets / parts. Just enjoy the hobby and have FUN. I always do `(^o ^)'


  1. Still the gold standard for toy blogs. Congratulations on your achievement.

  2. Congrats bro..merry xmas to u and ur family..

  3. Thanks desmond :) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones too CHEERS

  4. this is the only toy blog i us,check your page on my phone every day.outstanding amount of information you write on each figure love reading it all,.hope you have a very merry Christmas to you and your family.

  5. Thanks Shaun, those words mean a lot :) and they are very much appreciated. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones too.

  6. WOW! That is a lot of views...and daily too! You are doing good work for all the action figure collectors out there!

  7. Big Congrats on meeting such a great milestone!

    You have a great passion for this and it shows in all the posts that you do.

    Don't even worry about all those lowlifes that steal your content. Google sees them and penalizes their sites for stealing.

    Just curious if you have even considered getting your own domain and hosting? If you did that you would have more control over your content.

    Anyway congrats again! I'm a big fan and its great to see you continue to excel.

    Happy New Year...

  8. Thanks for the encouraging words YogaFrog :)

    The problem is I'm not much of a web wizard and am not confident to get my own domain and hosting ;p I let Blogger deal with all the virus and hacking issues while I just happily plonk a blog post everyday on a standard template that Blogger creates and updates. You could say I'm content with everything at the moment.

    Happy New Year to you too
