Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A dog is described as Man's best friend so 12" guys also have Toys City 1/6 scale Bull Terriers

This is Toys City upcoming 1/6 scale Bull Terrier Set x 2. Toys city 1/6 Bull Terrier Set A and Set B will both include a Bull Terrier, Doggy clothes and a Bag. The doggy clothes in Set A are camouflage pattern while Set B is tactical black. There's a bag included as well. What's it used for? Who knows? Maybe to store doggy treats or biscuits.

A dog is described as Man's best friend so 12" guys also have Toys City 1/6 scale Bull Terriers. General George Patton had a loyal Bull Terrier which he named "Willie", short for "William the Conqueror". There's even a 1/6 scale version of "Willie" produced and released by Hasbro as part of their GI Joe Historical Commanders Edition. You can check out the pictures HERE

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Toys city 1/6 Bull Terrier Set B with black doggy clothes and bag

Related posts:
July 27, 2013 – Every dog has its day and G.I. Joe's Snake Eyes pet wolf 1/6 scale Timber has its own post HERE
November 1, 2013 – "What Does the Fox Say?" Foxbox Studio 1/6 scale God Complex: Inari 1/6 scale fox Review

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