Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Classic Iron Man by Toy Biz

This is the classic Iron Man I grew up with. This 9" Iron Man released by Toy Biz was part of their "Famous Cover" series which took the even older vintage Mego-style design to a new age (pre-millennium). Seems to be a good time to post since the Iron Man movie has just come out.

Even featured removable mask to reveal Tony Stark, billionaire industrialist.

This version offered more poseability than the old Mego ones and I liked that they were not plastic moulded, cut at various places so that it could offer articulation. These ones were jointed and pretty authentic.


  1. I think the Famous Covers figures were excellent, Alex, pity I only picked up a few when they started to go on clearance for S$10, way back in 2000-02, iirc.

  2. I concur. Becoz I missed Mego, being too young and not having any disposable income, this was the better option. The price point wasn't too bad either - about two carded Star Wars figs. Even better at SGD10!

  3. I WANT that figure! I had no idea that the mask came off.....reveiling an exact like-ness of Tony Stark! Easiest the best Tony Stark headsculpt I've ever seen! I'm going to try to get two, so I can have a Tony Stark figure in a suit. ;) (Plus, I need his armor for a 9" custom Firefly, from "The Batman" ;D) Anyway, enough of my rambling.

    Cheers! :)

  4. hi alexander, glad you like the figure and all the best on your hunt for the two you need. hope you can share pics when you are done CHEERS

  5. Thanks. :) If I can find one, I'll definitely post pics. Same with the Exclusive The Batman and Bane. (Someone outbid me at the last second, still trying to find another set).

  6. All the BEST alexander :) looking forward to your pictures
