Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Incredible Hulk by Toy Biz

Lee Ang's 2003 "Hulk" starring Eric Bana as Bruce Banner was a BIG letdown - it took so damn long before Hulk appears. The only saving grace was Jennifer Connelly as Betty Ross (yummy!). Let's hope Edward Norton's Banner will be better. With Marvel taking back the rights and producing their own movies, this should be good, going by how Iron Man came out!

I grew up watching "The Incredible Hulk" TV series which aired from 1978 to 1982 and starred Bill Bixby as Bruce Banner and Lou Ferrigno as the Hulk. The famous phrase form the series was "Don't make me angry. You won't like me when I'm angry!"

The Hulk was grey when he was originally conceived but due to the colour inconsistencies during printing which resulted in different shades of grey, and even green, in the first issue, the Hulk's skin became green from issue #2 and has been since.

This "Famous Cover" 9" Hulk, IMHO, was one of the better hulk ever produced. The million dollar question everyone has is how Banner's pants stay on the hulk when everything else gets ripped off when he transforms into the giant, raging monster. Hulk must have a very small bulk/package - LOL!

Hulk's vocabulary was straight and to the point - "Hulk Smash!!"

Word is Robert Downey Jr will cameo as Tony Stark in the upcoming "The Incredible Hulk" movie.


  1. That's an impressive Hulk figure. :P This is DEFINATLLY on my "Things-to-Get" list. :D

  2. Yup, i like this Hulk a lot too :)

  3. Great figure, Alex! I NEED this Hulk! :P No one for my Wolverine (Hasbro) to fight. :'( Lol.

    (Funny how he has the same name. :D
