Monday, January 12, 2009

Heath Ledger wins Golden Globe Award for his role as The Joker

In the just televised Golden Globe Awards, the late Heath Ledger won the Supporting Actor Golden Globe award for his role as The Joker in "The Dark Knight". Other actors nominated in the same category included Tom Cruise (Tropic Thunder), Robert Downey Jr (Tropic Thunder), Ralph Fiennes (The Duchess) and Philip Seymour Hoffman (Doubt).

Thank you Heath Ledger and may you rest in peace. You definitely had a hand in making The Dark Knight the TOP Hollywood movie of 2008!!

Earlier this month: The Dark Knight sweeps People's Choice awards


  1. He deserves this award..

  2. Great! He well deserve that award for the performance he gave in that movie. It just sad that he leave before his time...

  3. hi LEon gotta agree with you about the sad way he went, especially when he had such a bright future ahead of him :(

  4. Supporting actor????
    He was the main actor!
