Monday, January 18, 2010

Toys City 1:6 German Sniper Major König Preview

Erwin König, aka Heinz Thorvald (died c. 1942), was a highly skilled Wehrmacht sniper allegedly killed by the legendary Red Army sniper Vasily Zaytsev during the Battle of Stalingrad. The 2001 movie "Enemy at the Gates" portrays a fictional account of the sniper duel between Zaytsev (played by Jude Law) and König (played by Ed Harris) during the final days of the Battle of Stalingrad. [ source: wiki ]

And coming soon from Toys City, a 1:6 scale Major König World War II German Sniper 12-inch military figure with WWII Swedish type winter jacket (as seen in the film) which differs from the normal German Gebirgsjäger jacket.

This Major König, Stalingrad 1942 - Scharfschutze - Jäger Division, German Sniper Set will include: Realistic Head Sculpt, T2.0A Body, M43 Cap with Jäger Insignia, Cape, Windjacket, Heer Officer M36 Tunic, Heer Officer Kielhosen with Suspenders, Gray Undershirt, Brown Leather Officer Belt, "Y" Straps, K98k Ammo Pouches x 2, M31 Breadbag, M31 Water Bottle, Rolled Zeltbahn with Straps, Leather Officer Boots, K98k Sniper Rifle with Scope, Black Fingerless Gloved Hand, Black Gloved Hands x 2, Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939 Ribbon Bar, Iron Cross 1st Class 1939 Ribbon Bar, Wound Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Das Kriegsverdienstkreuz, 1939 Spange to the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1914, German Jäger Sleeve Patch

Also comes with poncho / cape

He has the Gebirgsjäger (in English: Mountain Huntsmen, the German designation for mountain infantry) badge on his Feldmutze (Field Cap)

Also comes with his WWII German Officer's uniform with all his bells and whistles (medals, decorations etc) such as Iron Cross 2nd Class 1939 Ribbon Bar, Iron Cross 1st Class 1939 Ribbon Bar, Wound Badge, Iron Cross 1st Class, Knight's Cross to the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Das Kriegsverdienstkreuz, 1939 Spange to the Iron Cross 2nd Class 1914, German Jäger Sleeve Patch

NEXT: DiD version - "Battle of Stalingrad, 1942"


  1. This witnesses another battle between TT and DID. Both release Koning. The DID's closely resembles Jude Law and Ed Harris. The outcome of this battle is almost clear.

  2. yup! DID "Battle of Stalingrad, 1942" figures are in the next post :>

  3. On the end of the movie, the Russian young sniper killed the major in a coward way, without fight, because the major killed the Russian sniper's friend on a right way, on a right sniper fight.
