Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Gong Xi Fa Cai & Year Year Got Fish!!!

Since it's the Lunar New Year, thought I'll post some of the guys with asian head sculpts

Dragon Hong Kong PTU and SDU figures including SDU G4, Police Tactical Unit (PTU), Royal Hong Kong Police Emergency Unit,  Royal Hong Kong Police K-9 Unit and others.

My Dragon SDU team is still in their boxes - "Michael Chan", "Wai", "Ray", "Lam" and "Cheong" - looking for space to display them

Chinese movie stars - Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and Chow Yun Fat - used to watch Jackie Chan movie which would be released every Chinese New Year

Medicom Tokyo Tribe 2 (Jada Kins, Kai, Merra, Iwao, another Merra) plus one outsider


  1. ah group shots! My fave. Thanks for gathering them together for pix Alex.
