Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blogging has its privileges IV

Got featured again but in the English papers this time. Today's Sunday Times did a small segment on us but the photographer was able to capture a very nice picture of the house - great angle shot - makes the place look BIG :)

Picture shows the living room where I display most of my military themed 1/6 scale action figures, from the Crusader Knights to soldiers of the Napoleonic War, World War I, World War II, Vietnam War, Gulf War 1 - Desert Storm, Gulf War 2 - Iraq War and modern warriors. Visit my place to see more including Star Wars and movie plus manga/anime related action figures.

To view the whole house which is like a toy museum, go HERE


  1. congrats on the feature my guru! and the best thing is that I'm visiting today!

  2. Nice article. Surely your collection must worth more than your house now! lol.

  3. wow really amazing blog! Definitely bookmarking this.

  4. hi shaun, hope the visit was as good as you expected :)

    hi nai, thanks for looking :) the new lara croft rocks!! Wahoo!! thanks for the link - yummy yum yum.

    thanks josh - love your paintings too!

  5. it was really fun to be able to browse through everything at leisure, really enjoyed myself today, thanks to daisy and your family for putting up with us.

  6. hey shaun you're always welcome!! now that we're nearer, you can pop by anytime :)

  7. Dude, You get more press than Britney.

  8. ha! ha! Dash, very well put - we all had a good laugh when we read your comment, now all i gotta do is shave my head and walk around without underwear - LOL!!

  9. Hey Alex! Congrats on the article and the new place!
    I communicated with you last year specifically about the shadowboxes that you have on your wall. I remember you saying that they were used to display CD's - is there anyway you can give me the company's name that makes these? I've been working on my collection the past year but my recent move to Washington DC has separated me from my obsession for the time being. Hope to reconnect soon.
    Thanks for your time.

  10. Hi :) I got them from IKEA - hope this info helps. All the best with your collection. Hope to see pictures when it's all ready.

  11. Hey Alex my name is Calvin,since u r a long time toy collector can you tell the joy that you get from your collections.Please dun get this wrong,I actually wanted to start a DC movie masters toy collection though usually when I want to purchase.I kind of think that it will be a waste of money or its just gonna be left on the shelf and left to collect dusts

  12. Hi Calvin, as long as you feel that it is a waste of money, then you shouldn't start collecting ;p see my post here ( on the reasons why I collect toys / action figures. Never think of them as an investment where you hope to make your money grow but as a past-time / hobby. It's the pleasure of seeing the figures of your favorite characters in 3-D. Some people spend money on cigarettes, wine, drinking, pub hopping, taking holidays etc which I think is a waste of money too because once that event has passed, the money is gone. My expenditure however is still there today after all these years and believe it or not, I can still sell them if I want to and get some money back if I need to. Collect them only if you know you are going to enjoy them because if you enjoy what you do and what you have, then there will be no regrets / disappointments. CHEERS
