Besides meeting some
great people from blogging, the local press managed to track me down for a coverage as well. This article about toy collectors appeared in today's Chinese papers zbNOW and I'm only glad to be able to share the passion on a wider scale :) Just so people know I'm not the 40-year-old virgin played by Steve Carell in the 2005 movie of the same name - LOL!!

The part about me owning 2,000 1/6 figures have been misquoted lah, what I actually said was, "My boys counted the number of figures I have altogether and told me it was about 2,000" - this includes Kubrick, Chogokins, carded and loose figures, and the other toys that I have, other than 1/6 figures. Hope this clears the air ;p
congrats on the coverage of your toy museum, my guru! hey don't mind can email me the hi-res/or readable scan or pdf? thanks!
no prob'm, always glad to share :)
可喜可贺~~愿你继续为本地收藏家发扬光大 :)
sorry la dude, my mandarin still suxz...but anyway it's a quite a good article.Like Johnny Walker TVC...keep walking...cheers
hi ken, thanks for the compliments. Kum seah lots. My Chinese is a lot worse than yours, thankfully the interview was conducted in English. Just glad to do my part for Singapore toy collectors :) Will definitely keep walking and keep the flag flying coz the end is nowhere in sight
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