Friday, October 29, 2010

Medicom RAH Mad Capsule Markets: White Crusher

Related to the previous post...

The Mad Capsule Markets (originally known as The Mad Capsule Market's) were a Japanese band that formed in 1990 and became known for their experimental style of music, which focused on the fusion of electronic music with punk rock and heavy metal.

In 1999 the band released their most internationally recognized album to date. Osc-Dis (Oscillator in Distortion) was a more poppy or melodic take on the sound of Digidogheadlock. It was released worldwide in 2001, driven by the hugely popular single "Pulse", which featured on the video game Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3. The song and the album became the group's most well-known outside of Japan. At this time the band also introduced their robotic "mascots" the White Crusher and Black Cyborn. [source: wiki]

This is the 2004 Medicom released RAH (Real Action Heroes) Mad Capsule Markets: 1/6 scale 12-inch White Crusher collectible figure.

I had no idea what the Mad Capsule Markets was about or who White Crusher was when I first laid eyes on this figure back in 2004. The buzz on the internet on the subject of toys then just wasn't as forthcoming and not much information could be gleaned from it.

I thought this figure was a Star Wars Stormtrooper lookalike / knock-off or some new science fiction (sci-fi) space trooper because he looked so cool, with his helmet, full body suit, full body armor and backpack with radio antenna (?)

He even has an orange color shoulder pauldron, similar to those seen worn by Star Wars Sandtroopers. He has elbow and knee guards along with the full body armor.

The Mad Capsule Markets: White Crusher helmet looks to have a lion's head forming the upper portion (Voltron influence?) with a gas mask mouthpiece section for the lower region.

I'm not sure what the three lights on top of the helmet is. I can only guess it's supposed to emit light to show the way or maybe even blind the enemy if it's powerful enough.

Lots of interesting details on this Medicom RAH Mad Capsule Markets: 1/6 White Crusher 12-inch figure. I especially like that the design is not symmetrical and some things that appear on the right doesn't necessarily appear again on the left. It gives it a certain added dimension and not appear too rigid.

More close-up pictures of Medicom White Crusher with all its details

As of 2006 the Mad Capsule Markets band is on an indefinite hiatus.

NEXT: Medicom RAH Mad Capsule Markets: Black Cyborn


  1. You lucky thing! He's one of the few RAH figures I'm still chasing. He's a gorgeous figure, as is the Cyborn. Really need to find one :)

  2. thanks guys :) I'm glad I got him too
