Friday, January 9, 2009

Dark Knight sweeps People's Choice awards

The Dark Knight took every prize it was nominated for on Wednesday at the People's Choice Awards in Los Angeles. Based on internet votes, the movie won awards for favorite cast, movie, superhero, action movie and on-screen match-up for Christian Bale's Batman and the late Heath Ledger's Joker (R.I.P. Heath, we miss you already).

And why shouldn't it? The movie ROCKED. It made tons of money (see previous entry on 2008's Top 10 Hollywood movies), it's just as good if not better than "Batman Begins", Heath Ledger's demonically demented Joker is an Oscar contender, an unusually bummer ending in which the Cape Crusader wins the battle but loses the war and for a long movie, we loved every minute of it, thanks to the great pacing and storytelling by Christopher Nolan.

And here's some of the cast from the movie, thanks to Hot Toys line of "The Dark Knight" figures 

Biker Bruce, Spelunking Bruce, original Batman costume and new costume Batman on Batpod

Like what Christian Bale said at the MTV 2006 movie awards ''Sorry Superman, but Batman is the BADASS''


  1. Great Post bro! undeniable that TDK is the best movie of 08' ...

    thanks for the plug too!

  2. hey joshua, don't mention it :) thanks for the compliments too

  3. my guru, wonderful display and it's great that your shelf allows the bat-pod to be displayed. However, I fear for the long term health of your TDK bat's suit if you're going to place him riding the batpod for an extended period of time.

  4. I was hoping TDK would beat the Titantic movie in box office receipts. Just too bad our combined efforts couldn't beat the likes of teenage girls and women who went to see Titantic like 3 or 4 times (like my gal pals did).

    Oh, heads up for ya Alex. There's something wrong with the link to my blog on your blog list. :(

  5. yo shaun, thanks for the advice about the batsuit :)

    michelle, we've been playing cat and mouse ;p i just replied about the link not working. don't understand why :(

    TDK was GREAT but Titanic was just too much of a chick flick and emotional ride for the ladies. the amount of times they went back to see Leonardo and Kate Winslet was just CRAZY!!

  6. eh I would never claim to offer advice to you my guru, only my concern about potential damage to the outfit.

  7. ha! ha! you are just too modest lah. Off the bat, i can tell you that you have a better knowledge of all the different body types and which ones work best with what bashes, the various neck posts, differing heights etc. Also, when it comes to 1/6 suits, you're the BEST person to give advice as well. i merely collect them and rack them, nothing more. You cannot remain a padawan forever, you didn't realise it but you have become a master!

  8. you flatter me my guru and I thank you. I may be the best person you know who is versed in matters of kitbashing, but for every Bukit Timah, there is an Everest.

  9. right off my mind, "Everest" is Mick. His dioramas are mind-blowing and the amount of 1/6 realistic landscapes he has created boggles the mind! did u check out the 120 heads he has. i was eyeing the Harrison Ford Blade Runner Rick Deckard head, 2nd row and 2nd from left.

  10. yes, you're right, mick is everest until there is another contender. Damn amazing work he has, and yes, saw the 120 heads. Brilliant. Is the Blade Runner head hard to come by?

  11. i read somewhere that it was a second head that was included as a bonus in some of the Android Hunter packages. Funny as the second head was way more accurate than the original which i got. still looking out for the head to complete the look of my Blade Runner figure. Harrison Ford cropped his hair real short for the role so no Indy head will do.

  12. ah that's your Holy Grail then, my guru.

  13. i guess you can say that. one of those things that's nice to have but i won't go hunting it down. the other thing would be a 21st Century German Motorcycle with sidecar for Medicom's Indy & Henry Sr.
