Friday, March 20, 2009

Hot Toys RoboCop (The First)

"Serve the public trust, protect the innocent, uphold the law."
"RoboCop (1987)" was a fun movie (much of the blood and gore was taken out when the movie was screened in Singapore but these can be seen in the DVD. One particularly gory scene was Alex Murphy's execution where his entire right arm is severed by a shotgun blast and a final overhead shot of Lewis sobbing over Murphy on the blood-soaked floor). Set in a crime-ridden Detroit, Michigan in the near future, RoboCop centers on police officer Alex Murphy (Peter Weller) who is brutally murdered and subsequently re-created as a super-human cyborg known as "RoboCop". The character of RoboCop itself was inspired by Judge Dredd as well as the Marvel Comics superhero Iron Man (one of these comic books can be seen during the convenience store robbery).

This is Hot Toys Movie Masterpiece 1/6 scale 12-inch RoboCop released in 2006 (first posted here)

This helmet was not removable (check out the link here for comparison pictures of RoboCop 1 non-removable helmet and RoboCop 3 removable helmet, and the boo-boo made by Hot Toys)

Part man, part machine, ALL COP!!

This helmet sits much better and looks much better than version 3 and we only got version 3 for the Flight Pack (link here)

Nice side profile with all the fine details of his armor

The back view is equally STUNNING

I displayed RoboCop with his right thigh holster opened - one of the beauties of this figure

Close-up view of his thigh holster

RoboCop's Auto 9 pistol holstered

"Come quietly or there will be... trouble."

RoboCop's (Peter Weller) standard sidearm throughout the whole movie is the "Auto 9". This is a Beretta M93R machine pistol which was heavily modified for the film, featuring a longer barrel with an enormous compensator/flash hider shaped like a casket, plastic grips and a taller rear sight. Typically, Robocop fires this weapon on its 3-round burst setting.

Prop gun

Hot Toys 1/6 scale "Auto 9", RoboCop's kick-a$$ pistol


  1. It's amazing how toys of today can really look so very real from the make to the appearance. Imagine that this robocop toy almost resembled the face features of Arnold Schwarzenneger as it is contained behind the mask...

  2. hi i think you meant Peter Weller coz Arnie was never in RoboCop altho he was being considered but due to his heavy built plus the bulky RoboCop suit they had to go with a much thinner Peter Weller.

  3. This is the one that I was talking about. The first version ROBOCOP by Hot Toys..Currently, nobody is selling this piece..Haiz!! I missed it!!

  4. surprisingly Hot Toys version 1 RoboCop looked much better than version 2 which is actually RoboCop 3 - the only nice things were his extra weapon arm and the flight pack!

  5. This was my second Hot Toys figure when I got it back in 2006. It was the last one I found at Action City Bugis. I noticed it there for over 2 weeks till I finally decided to get it after reading the review abt the figure at Michael Crawford's website. I'm glad I got it! Nobody picked it up probably because the packaging wasn't in a very good condition. But it didn't matter to me coz the item inside was in perfect condition! So I grabbed it! The sculpt looks metallic and will go down as the most realistic looking Robocop figure ever made.

  6. i almost traded this off because i wanted RoboCop 3 with flight pack and multi weapon arm & didn't feel that i needed 2 RoboCops BUT i'm real glad i didn't part with him because each has its own merit and RoboCop 1 is still better as a unit whilst RoboCop 3 is great with his accessories.

  7. Yeah.. But I'd do anything for the head without helmet from the Robocop 3 figure! That way, I can have an interchangeable head, one with helmet, the other without helmet..

  8. One of the reasons for getting RoboCop 3 - the removable head BUT the problem was Hot Toys stayed faithfully to the movie versions and released RoboCop 3 with a more metallic bluish tinge so that if you switched heads, it would look odd as it doesn't go with the rest of the body. PLUS when they made RoboCop 1 the helmet was a tight fit so when they used the same mold for a removable head for RoboCop 3, the helmet sits higher and you can actually see his nose which isn't concealed - disappointing :(

  9. Hi please does anybody knows where can i still get this Hoty Toys Robocop Figure? Thanx

  10. hi heng you can check out this link -

    seems like there's one for sale on e-bay. Hot Toys figures are very HOT and usually sell out very fast. Then it appears on the secondary market at a much higher price. All the best!

  11. Thank you very much for the info. I love the arts and the details of this Robocop just that it is too expensive for me though i really want to collect for life. It is all selling above S$600 on ebay and I'm still pursuing my studies. If i had knew about Hot toys earlier i would have purchased at cheaper price. Haha it just too bad

  12. sorry to hear that Heng :( when i got it, it was way way lower (nice to know that these things do appreciate in value haha) CHEERS

  13. i just knew this recently: The helmet for version 1 is removable. Some bits of glue are holding it firmly. Forums say you can try to remove it but do it carefully and you have a head that resembles Robo from Prime directives when he meets his son Jimmy

  14. my concern is that it wasn't designed to be removed and once that is done, i'm afraid that the helmet will not sit back properly again, as was the case with Robocop 3 where the helmet sits a little bit higher on the head and exposes the nose.
