Going to the movies!!
Medicom Rocketeer, Predators, Jack Sparrow, Legolas, Aragorn, Alien Xenomorph, Hellboy, X-Men Wolverine, Kroenen, Inspector Gadget and Abe Sapien.

Kerberos Protect Gear Panzer Cops, United Stated Colonial Marines Hicks and Vasquez, T-800, Terminator, Sarah Connor (Linda Hamilton), Kyle Reese, Mad Capsule Markets Black Cyclone and White Crusher

Batman, Batgirl and Robin, and villians Joker, Harley, Penguin, Catwoman plus Captain Action Phantom and Kublai Khan, Green Hornet and Kato.

ZDMC Moongirl, Lone Ranger and Tonto, Akira's Kaneda, Medicom Star Wars

Marmit Star Wars Stormtroopers and Sandtroopers, Hasbro Snowtrooper, Darth Vader, AT-AT Driver and Clone Troopers

Princess Leia, R2D2, C3PO, Luke X-Wing Pilot, Luke Jedi, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Qui-Gon Jinn, Padme Amidala, Mace Windu

Chancellor Valorum, Palpatine, Royal Guard, General Grevious, Anakin Sith Apprentice, Count Dooku, Super Battle Droid, Red Guard, Emperor (Darth Sidious) and Darth Maul

Han Solo in Carbonite, Pit Droids, Watto, George Lucas, Jar Jar Binks, Tusken Raider (Sand People), Bounty Hunters, Jawas and Wickett.

Marvel Superheroes (including Avengers - Captain America, Thor, Vision, Hulk, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Fantastic Four - Mr Fantastic and Invisible Girl, Daredevil, Falcon, Spiderman, Spidergirl, Black Widow and X-Men - Cyclops, Jean Grey, Gambit, Nightcrawler, Storm, Psylocke and Wolverine) and Villians (Doctor Doom, Magneto, SaberTooth and Green Goblin)

Japanese Superheroes G-Force (Battle of the Planets), Agent Nico (Bape), Zero, KanKichi Ryotsu, Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, Dan Moroboshi, Anne Yuri, Ninja, CyGirl Harley

Ultraman Brothers - Ultra Seven, Ultraman Taro, Ultraman Ace, Ultraman Jack, Ultraman Type B

Kamen Riders/Masked Riders, Silver Kamen, Guyferd, Kikaider, SpectreMan
Simply amazing collection Alex! You rock!
Yo Shuan, thanks for the compliments! Nice to have a fellow Toy Collector appreciate their value. And most importantly, like you, to have a VERY SUPPORTIVE wife!! Too bad we can't meet up this Sunday. Another time perhaps... Cheerio :)
ah wasted that we can't meet up on Sunday, yes we are indeed blessed with understanding wives. would love too check out your collection personally, if the opportunity ever arises. I think I'd just stare in wonder at your house!
hihi, iam new here :P me kenmoo2007 (aka ah moo)..bro salute sia!!! your collection is really complete...my new idol liao. Need to ask you something, so how do you store the boxes? any tips on keeping the figures in good condition cos i understands that old medicom 12" tends to melt...please advise? cheers man
hi ken, i've been checking out the blogs on shuan's site so i can see you hv quite a nice collection yourself. Shuan did a GREAT job putting all the blogs together for easy access. the boxes go into the storeroom. i enjoy the toy more out of box. also, for medicom, you gotta take them out of the box coz leaving them in with the humidity is gonna cause some serious damage i.e. melting costumes etc - heart pain when that happens :( i think the older models are made of a poorer quality coz they still melt so i prefer the cloth costumes. some of my medicom figures are almost 10 years old now & they are still in good condition.
@lex mighty said...
Shaun did a GREAT job putting all the blogs together for easy access.
Glad to found it useful Alex, I personally listed it to bring prominence to Sg toy collector blogs.
the boxes go into the storeroom. i enjoy the toy more out of box.
Same here!
also, for medicom, you gotta take them out of the box coz leaving them in with the humidity is gonna cause some serious damage i.e. melting costumes etc - heart pain when that happens :( i think the older models are made of a poorer quality coz they still melt so i prefer the cloth costumes.
thanks for the tips Alex, really helps a noob collector like me. And they look better displayed!
some of my medicom figures are almost 10 years old now & they are still in good condition.
That's good to hear that your treasure are still pristine. :)
u blog so "CoOl" .. support!! i want link you blog can ?
Hi Neojett, thanks for the compliments. Feel free to link my blog. Happy to be able to share the passion & spread the poison ha!ha!ha! LOL
yo alex! came here via shaun's post in hwz. love your collection! i've just started collecting 12". anyway, hope u don't mind me following ya design tips (12" in ikea box on wall) when my apartment is ready. cheers!
like your name "chao.monkey" - ha!ha! feel free to take ideas- dat's why we blog, so we can share the passion. ikea's display case (meant for CDs) is ideal coz it doesn't go all the way to the ground so most of the items are within eye level & you can customise the display height. only gripe is that it doesn't have depth so can't put a lot in and space is a premium in singapore :) thanks for dropping by.
My eyes just popped out of their sockets and splattered against my monitor screen. Amazing collection!!!
thanks for looking "dash" hope your eyes are better now :) i noticed it has that affect on people - ha! ha!
Wah, i've been collecting 12" for sometime and I'm stumped by your blog.... awesome. Really lost for words...hahahah
Will seek your opinions on new releases next time, hehe
Hi Darren, thanks for the compliments. You're always welcome to visit my blog. Will try to post more new releases next time :) Quite the "ha! ha! he! he!" guy, aren't you? LOL
awesome collection...i shudder at the thought of the dusting ;-)
thanks Debs :) it helps that they are in glass cabinets.
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