Defiance, directed by Edward Zwick, is a 2008 film starring Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell and George MacKay as four Jewish brothers from Poland who escaped the Nazi persecution and fought back to rescue fellow Jews. Set in the eastern regions of German Nazi-occupied Poland (now western Belarus) during World War II, the film is based on the true story of the Bielski partisans.
The parents of the four Bielski brothers were slain by local police under orders of the occupying Germans as Nazi forces swept through Eastern Europe in August 1941. The Bielski brothers: Tuvia (Daniel Craig), Zus (Liev Schreiber), Asael (Jamie Bell) and Aron (George MacKay) flee to the forest, vowing to avenge their parents. Whilst in the forest, they encounter other Jewish escapees and begin to build a village in order to protect themselves. By war's end, they had saved a total of 1,200 Jews.

This is my attempt at kitbashing a 1/6 scale 12-inch Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski from the little resources I have at my disposal.

From the pictures, Tuvia is equipped with captured German World War II equipment and weapons. I equipped him with leather belt, MP-40 leather pouches, hard shell leather holster for his Walter P-38 pistol, bread bag and water bottle, MP-40 with working cocking handle and jack boots.

Daniel Craig as Tuvia Bielski has the same haircut as James Bond in Quantum of Solace. This was because Craig was scheduled to begin filming Quantum of Solace once Defiance filming was completed.

Tuvia with 'Dienstglas' 6 x 30 binoculars

Here's a side profile - am quite pleased with the result

The German Maschinen Pistol 40 or MP40 is one of the most famous weapons of World War II and have been mistakenly called the Schmeisser machine pistol as Hugo Schmeisser had nothing to do with the design of this sub-machine gun. The MP40 machine pistols were developed and built by Erfurter Maschinenfabrik or Erma-Werke. It was the first sub-machine gun to be completely manufactured from metal and plastic parts, and the first with a folding stock.

The hard shell leather holster stores his Walter P38 pistol, meant to replace the famous Pistole '08 or the Luger (named after its designer Georg Luger who developed the pistol in the 1890s) which had been in service with the German army since 1908.

Daniel Craig, new man of action!
Great kit bash...I like!
pretty much spot on alex!
thanks guys :) it was quite fun to put together
do you sell your dolls????
hi there, i haven't sold any of my figures yet but thanks for looking ;p
This is fantastic!
I sent a link to the Bielski Family!
Keep up the good work.
DoubleTapper, blogging on Guns Politics Defense from Israel
Thanks for the compliments, DoubleTapper. I actually got a nice response from Brendon Rennert, grandson of Tuvia Bielski regarding this figure :)
I think it does a good service in his memory, apart from a great figure by itself... nice work, this is pretty good, pretty good.
thanks jon
Where did you get the jacket? because I am gonna use John Connor's Head scult and this jacket to make Niko Bellic from GTA4. Anyway where did you get the shirt and pants? Because I can tell this is custom made.
Hi "Shatdamouth" all the clothing and accessories were bought from a local 1/6 shop that sells parts loose :) thanks for looking
This is INCREDIBLE! I thought this was an official figure until I read the whole post, brilliant!
thank you Eugas :) kind words such as yours are most encouraging and spur me on CHEERS
You has made a very great Kitbash!
I myself have also built a figure on the subject. Check out my views but to link.
It would please me if you'd tell me once your opinion.
Greetings russel1
hi russel1, thanks for the link :) i saw your kitbash too - very NICE ;p i used that head for a James Bond bash instead - link:
Yeah, that also is a great work from you!
Fine figure!!
THANKS russel :)
that is trully an awesome figure ... can u plz recommend me from where i can buy a similar daniel craig figure
hi Manan9, this is a customized figure kitbashed by me and is not available for sale anywhere. CHEERS
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