For those of you who never bought the first release Hot Toys MMS 1/6 scale 12-inch Heath Ledger JOKER from "The Dark Knight" and only recently picked up the Hot Toys MMS DX01 Joker (which is essentially TWO jokers in one box, reviewed
HERE), then I say, "Good for you!" For those of us (me included) who already have the FIRST version Hot Toys Joker which was released in August 2008 (see my post
HERE) and also bought the latest DX01 JOKER, we want to know what's the difference with the costume/outfit since it is supposed to be the Joker's trademark/classic outfit/costume in the movie.
When we bought the first Joker, we didn't know that Hot Toys would be releasing the second Joker (i.e. Bank Robber Joker - pictures
HERE) with much improved head sculpts (two head sculpts were provided, obviously one to replace the FIRST version head sculpt which seemed okay until the second head sculpt came out)
Everyone was expecting perhaps a third Joker figure, speculating that it could either be nurse joker or Gotham police joker so when it was announced that there would be a cop joker (previewed
HERE), there was a resounding "YES" because Heath Ledger was so GOOD as the joker he practically carried the film.
But why another Joker costume/suit/outfit? Well, Hot Toys wasn't satisfied with the original/FIRST version so they decided to offer a improved and movie-accurate Joker costume. So let's see where the improvements are by comparing pictures of the FIRST release Joker (version 1.0) and the latest DX Joker.

This head sculpt is actually from the Bank Robber Joker set which I switched with the original as it's much better than the first. See my post
HERE for Joker with Smith & Wesson M76 submachine gun. The first head sculpt was then used to kitbash a nurse joker (pictures

Hot Toys MMS DX01 Joker with P.E.R.S. (Parallel Eyeball Rolling System) - Reviewed
First let's check out the shirt and tie...

The designs on the shirt of the DX version is sharper and brighter, and the tie, which is also far more accurate in terms of the pattern, fits much better around the neck and under the collar.

Instead of the brown leather belt which the FIRST version joker wears around his waist,

the DX version Joker has a very nice pair of suspenders with leather details which are fastened to the trouser waist band. The chain hanging from the right side is also different, supposedly it is of a much more accurate length.

The waistcoat or vest of the DX version has the full four pockets (version 1.0 had only two pockets): two with rounded flaps and two cut pockets. The vest is held shut by two snap buttons instead of the Velcro on the FIRST version.

Now we check out the sport coat and overcoat

The gray sports coat of the DX version is also better executed than version 1.0 and the DX overcoat has the additional set-up (rig) for attaching the five grenades, including a hook for the pull ring (see my
last post). All very well produced, including the fine stitching - amazing work done for a 1/6 scale figure!!

Now to the pants / trousers...

The pants/trousers are a tighter fit on the DX Joker (almost like drain-pipe pants), and the pinstripes on them is more pronounced as compared to the first version.

Even the socks are different, with smaller squares on the DX version. There also seems to be more work done on the DX version shoes as compared to version 1.0

Overall, the materials used for the outfit and the cut of the entire 1/6 scale JOKER costume looks GREAT on the body as the many layers of clothing (overcoat worn over the sports coat worn over a vest/waistcoat worn over a shirt with tie, and pants with suspenders as well) do not cause the figure to look bulky or puffed-up and makes this collectible figure utterly believable and realistic. The same cannot be said for the Medicom version nor DC Direct version. Those do pale in comparison (What a joke they are! pun intended). Heck, based on them, Hot Toys first version Joker already beats them hands down.
So to the king of 1/6 JOKER goes the crown - Hot Toys is KING; Medicom and DC Direct are the clowns or posers! It's not even a close fight.
Earlier Reviews of Hot Toys DX Joker:
Review I - The Package
Review II - Gotham City Cop Joker
Review III - More Cop Joker: It's in the fine details
Review IV - New P.E.R.S. (Parallel Eyeball Rolling System) Joker
Review V - DX Joker with grenades