If somebody had told me that I would go on to post more than 1,000 entries on my blog at the very beginning when I started in July 2007, I would never have believed it. Well, as of today, I have actually gone beyond 1,000 blog posts and that's due a large part to all you readers out there who have been most supportive with your encouraging words and compliments. The written word is a very powerful tool, and well intentions and comments plus compliments make one's day, acknowledging and giving the writer/blogger (that's me) your stamp of approval at what I'm doing RIGHT, so a BIG thank you to all who have written or chosen to follow my blog (which has grown to 104 as at this post although the StatCounter shows an average 500 daily returning visitors :>)
I'd started my blog on one of my favorite subjects - BATMAN and that was pre-HOT TOYS days

And Batmobiles - I love me some Batmobiles and Batplanes; they are way COOL
Congratz and keep up the good works!
Love your 12inch figure reviews..Congrats!!
Here's to another thousand!
One of the things I love about your collection, Alex is seeing all those older figures I remember having as a kid (Six Million Dollar Man, Inspector Gadget). The vastness of your collection continues to astound!
Yeah! Congrats on your 1000 posts!
Congrats alex...
Very nice to see the evolution of the 1/6 figures from before to now!
thanks for the great photos/info/reviews which gave me some advice on "what to" and "what not to" buy :)
Like in ebay, i rate your blogsite - FIVE STARS!!! will buy again ah i mean visit/read again! :)
Congratulations Alex ! In fact the ideas of some of my kitbashed figures came from yours. Keep up the effort and we are all looking forward to seeing your 2,000th post in this Hot Toys, Enterbay era ! Yeh !
thanks LEon, desmond, Adrian, dash, AL & anon :) your kind words spur me on.
hey dash, i just love some of the toys we used to play with as a child, and Six Million Dollar Man Steve Austin was one of the best IMHO
glad that my reviews helped you in making your purchase decisions AL ;> and once again, thanks for the vote of confidence
i look forward to the day when i post my 2,000th post - ha! ha!
Congratulations on your 1000th+ post!
thanks diana ;>
Congrats on achieving that milestone dude =)
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