Dragon also released a 1/6 scale 12-inch General George S Patton after Hasbro's GI Joe version (pictures
here) in 2006. While Hasbro's GI Joe General George Patton had 3 stars (Lieutenant General, Army of the United States: March 12, 1943), Dragon's General George Patton has 4 stars (General, Army of the United States: April 14, 1945) and was supposedly based on him at Bavaria 1945. After the close of World War II, Patton (now a full general) became the occupation commander of Bavaria. As Military Governor of Bavaria, Patton was criticized for leniency towards the Nazis. His view of the war was that with Hitler gone, the German army could be rebuilt into an ally in a potential war against the Russians, whom Patton notoriously despised and considered a greater menace than the Germans. He was removed as governor in October, 1945 and given the command of the US 15th Army.

Dragon's Bavaria Patton came with two rings - USMA (West Point) Graduation ring and his wedding ring

Dragon's head sculpt of General George Patton is much better than Hasbro's

Dragon's 1/6 scale 12-inch General Patton wears M44 Jacket (also known as "Ike Jacket") over his Officer's Khaki Cotton Shirt and Necktie with US Third Army Shoulder Sleeve insignia, "US" collar patch, Ribbon Bar, Collar Stars and Shoulder Stars

General Patton deliberately cultivated a flashy, distinctive image in the belief that this would motivate his troops. He was usually seen wearing a highly polished helmet, riding pants and high cavalry boots. He carried flashy ivory-handled, nickel-plated revolvers as his most famous sidearms (a Colt Single Action Army .45 "Peacemaker" and later also a S&W Model 27 .357).

Dragon's General Patton wears General 4-star, black chromed M1 helmet

General George S Patton's ribbon rack (consisting of US awards as well as foreign and international awards)

Brown Leather Belt with "US" embossed round belt buckle taken from a Model 1910 Officer's web belt.

General Patton in his Officer's Riding Breeches and Boots, Leather, Lace, Legging Top.

General Patton cuts a fine figure indeed!

Another view of his General stars on his helmet and shoulder, plus ribbons

Wearing his high cavalry riding boots, nicely done by Dragon

Dragon's General Patton's leather belt has leather cartridge loops OR Belt Slide Loop for his 12 REMOVABLE bullets/cartridges and hand cuff case in which Patton carried a lensmatic compass (not included)

General Patton's Open Top Leather Holster holds his Ivory handled Colt .45 "Peacemaker" in place

General Patton's Colt Single Action .45 caliber Army Revolver Model 1873 with GSP in black enamel carved in the right hand Ivory stock

Carved Eagle on the left hand Ivory stock

Patton took violent offense at any reference to his pistols being pearl handled. He said, "Only a pimp in a New Orleans whorehouse or a tin-horn gambler would carry a pearl-handled pistol." In no uncertain terms he would have the offender know that his revolver was indeed "IVORY-GOD-F**KING-DAMN-HANDLED" and with that he would turn on his heel and leave.

On December 9, 1945, Patton was severely injured in a road accident. Paralyzed from the neck down, he was rushed to the military hospital in Heidelberg. Patton died of an embolism on December 21, 1945.
Wow. Much nicer figure than the Hasbro version. Looking at Hasbro's, It's hard not to notice the zipper on Patton's coat. One of the things that bothers me out of 1/6th scale figures is the zippers- everything else is to scale EXCEPT them. Patton could use his zipper's pull tab to deflect enemy bullets it's so freakin' big.
Did Dragon also do an Eisenhower?
Hi Dash, Dragon released 3 versions of Patton but not a single Eisenhower. Most probably because he isn't as colorful as Patton ever was. In terms of appearance, Ike's pretty ordinary and Dragon knows collectors don't like plain and simple stuff. Hasbro did a GI Joe version because he is ALL American!!
Zippers have come a long way too, thank goodness!! Hot Toys and other manufacturers have looked into that oversized pull tab issue.
Thanks for looking. Always a pleasure to know you pop by once in a while ;p
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