One very fine figure indeed! Bud Norris was released by BBI in 2002 and this was a top notch figure, from the sculpting to the detailing. After landing and discarding his parachute (both main and reserve which
Danny had), he is ready to move to his objective, fully armed, fully equipped and ready to rock and roll.
His silk scarf was from his camouflage parachute and he has his airborne first-aid kit secured on his helmet

He's wearing his reinforced M1942 jacket and trousers with expanding cargo side pockets

He has his sidearm, M1911 Colt .45 pistol in the M7 shoulder holster

He's wearing horsehide gloves, issued to all airborne personnel to protect their hands during the drop. He also has the TL-122 Flashlight.

Unique to Bud is his M3 SMG, nicknamed "Grease gun" because it vaguely resembled the vehicle maintenance tool. This wasn't a very common weapon in the fighting units. He also has his wrist compass attached to his belt.

He also carries the standard water canteen, entrenching tool and SMG magazine bag

His 'rigger-made' pouch for M1 rifle clips or frag grenades, and his pliers

M3 fighting knife in M6 scabbard and the paratroopers' prized possession - Corcoran jump boots.

BBI would issue another figure with complete equipment, including a working parachute with rig lines plus the M9A1 rocket launcher with three 3.4lb rockets as a exclusive in 2003.
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