This was reported in the local papers on February 19, 2009 - US President Barack Obama has authorized the Pentagon to send an extra 17,000 troops to Afghanistan as the situation has worsened but the war against the Taleban is "still winnable". The troops will increase the US presence by more than 40%, bringing the total number of troops to 37,000 from the current 20,000. These include a Marine expeditionary brigade of some 8,000 troops, an Army brigade of 4,000 soldiers and a further 5,000 support troops. They were originally scheduled to go to Iraq where there are currently 146,000 troops.

They would join those who are already deployed there

Dragon US Army Delta Force Night Ops operator "

Dragon USMC 26th MEU (Marine Expeditionary Unit) "

Dragon USMC Force Recon "

BBI's "
SGT Jerry Ellis"

GI Joe US Air Force Forward Air Controller (FAC) by Hasbro with transmitting radio with headset and Special Operations Forces Laser Acquisition Marker (SOFLAM) with tripod and battery

Special Operations operator "

We wish them well and thank them for their efforts in helping to rid the world of terrorists.
There're also 33,000 NATO troops deployed in Afghanistan (check out my
link here)
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