Enterbay will be releasing Jack Bauer (played by Kiefer Sutherland who won a Golden Globe for his role in the first 10 episodes) and David Palmer (played by Dennis Haysbert, who also plays Jonas Blane in "The Unit", a television series that focuses on a top-secret military unit modeled after the real life Delta Force. If you haven't watched it, you have to, especially if you are into military stuff like me) from the acclaimed TV series "24", a thriller which is shown in "real-time", with each minute of airtime corresponding to a minute in the lives of the characters. Commercial breaks are placed at times when something non-essential to the plot is taking place (e.g., characters driving somewhere will begin when a commercial break starts and arrive at their destination at the end of the commercial break). This allows for the show to actually occur in real time without compromising action.
Let the pictures speak for themselves - WOW!! (speechless)

Medicom can go suck eggs now as their terrible versions were released recently. I just couldn't bring myself to part with good money for any of Medicom's Jack Bauer and I'm so glad because Enterbay's Jack Bauer ROCKS!!

When Dennis Haysbert as Senator David Palmer was cast as President-elect in season 1, it was meant to be make believe. Well, guess who's going to be in the White House now?
I bought the Medicom Jack Bauer the DAY BEFORE Enterbay posted news of their version.
heng arh~!! lucky i didn't chase this drama but i am putting my S-11 into enterbay cos' of the impeccable likeness of the character.
These are definitely in my wanted list this year..I also watched 24 till season 7 (first two episodes) and the unit till third season :p
sorry to hear about that, dash :(
ken & desmond, Enterbay's Jack Bauer will be in a lot of people's "WANT" list. Wasn't quite sure what Enterbay was thinking when they started releasing pictures of their Mr Bean character. Now they seem tobe back on track ;>
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