Disturbing news reported on January 15, 2009 - Ethiopian troops leave Somalia and the country may become an Al-Qaeda stronghold. Somalia is already a pirates' haven, after Somalian pirates attacked 111 ships in 2008, a nearly 200 percent increase from the year before. With piracy in the Gulf of Aden reaching epidemic proportions, the United Nations have already authorized land operations in Somalia to curb the insurgence (earlier mentioned

In 2008, pirates had hijacked a record number of ships in brazen attacks from Eastern Africa to the Singapore strait, according to the International Maritime Bureau, with forty-nine vessels overrun and almost 900 crew members taken hostage.

Singapore is doing its part in fighting piracy and protecting its vital trade routes with two newest frigates commissioned on January 16, 2009. RSS Stalwart and RSS Supreme were added to the Republic of Singapore Navy's (RSN) 185 Squadron after men and machine were put through three years of tests. The new combat vessels are equipped to hunt down and destroy submarines, enemy ships and planes, while appearing on the enemy's radar screens as much smaller boats. By year's end, they will also have Sikorsky S-70B helicopters for a even longer reach. [source:
The Straits Times]

Another ship to have in your arsenal would be the Space Battleship Yamato (see entry
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