Tori-San or ‘Mister Bird’ as he is called, while being attached firmly to Harlock’s side, is generally Tochirō’s pet (Tochirō, Captain Harlock's best mate, single-handedly constructed the Arcadia and most of the devices on it. He and Harlock form a lasting partnership in all their incarnations) although he did belong to both Tochirō and Harlock in Hunt for Young Harlock, and to Zoru's family in My Youth in Arcadia. He remains loyal to Harlock and Harlock has a soft and tender spot for this bird.
This is Medicom's 1/6 scale "Tori-San" that accompanies Space Pirate Captain Harlock from Galaxy Express 999 (see
previous post). It has bendable neck and movable legs so that they can rotate and grip on Harlock's shoulders.

Pirates usually prefer parrots, even the dead ones like Pirate Jack (see
my post here) from "James and the Giant Peach"
Tori-san's adorable - it's neat how a wire functions for his neck perfectly. :)
I envy your having Pirate Jack too. Geez, don't ever leave me alone in your apartment or that stuff's disappearing. ;P
HEH heh i'll be watching you very closely next time you pop by ;) and do a FULL body search before you leave just because of what you just said - LOL!!
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