Daniel Craig as James Bond MI6 Agent 007, head sculpt provided by Loading Toys. Totally unlike the previous smooth and suave
Pierce Brosnan James Bond, Daniel Craig's Bond is like a bulldog in a china shop - he'll break everything just for fun. He's the rough, tough and tumble Bond.

When the first teaser posters came out, I thought he was armed with a Heckler & Koch MP5SD which a much senior
Connery (first James Bond) had in the movie "The Rock". Nice departure from the usually small and compact Walter PPK.

On closer inspection, it turns out to be a suppressed version of a Heckler & Koch UMP-9 chambered for the 9x19mm round (as indicated by the curved "banana" style magazine.) James Bond (Daniel Craig) uses this briefly (blink and you'll miss it) during the pre-titles Aston Martin chase to dispatch one of the attackers' cars and evade capture.

So here we have Daniel Craig James Bond armed with a H&K UMP-9, dressed in his best of course!

"The name's Bond, James Bond" only this time, he doesn't say this signature line in the movie

James Bond is equally at ease with the Walter P99 pistol, with silencer/suppressor. Since "Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)", the Walther P99 has been Bond's weapon of choice. Bond's standard issue handgun prior to the P99 was the Walther PPK, a shortened version of the Walter PP ("Police Pistol"- German). The P99 has a capacity of 15 9mm rounds plus 1 chambered for a total of 16 rounds as opposed to the older Walter PPK's magazine capacity of 7 rounds. The PPK's 7.65mm calibre is not as common or as effective as it should be when encountering more hostile and better armed adversaries.

One of the best sculpts of Daniel Craig out there
UPDATE December 11, 2009: Another Daniel Craig headsculpt courtesy of DID and kitbashed as James Bond Agent 007 posted
very nice my guru, you are using the sat toys with default body? really cool that you have the similar gun from the movie.
very sharp superman :) your x-ray eyes saw right thru the clothes - ha! ha! was going thru my weapons cache to find if i have a similar weapon, which i did ;p
it's really cool that you have a weapons warehouse, and that is why you're the 1:6 guru.
The give away was the form of the body and the skin tone on the hand, my guru.
ah shucks i really thot u had x-ray eyes (dat'll be so cool, especially with the ladies). i may have a weapons cache but i think you have a cabinet full of heads, judging from your recent posts from your trip to Hong Kong. After taking the pictures, what do you do with them?
good question my guru. I need to find a decent display space for my 1:6 heads. they're just placed on my workdesk at the moment.
muji used to sell nice display cases (size just right for displaying heads - i bought one for daisy to display her miniatures, looks perfect for heads) - they are in Marina Square now - maybe you can check it out
thanks for the tip my guru. I think they've an outlet at bugis too.
awesome kitbash alex!
i was wondering where i could score that UMP submachine gun?
can't seem to find it at CSC....
any tips on which line would have this gun or which manufacturer? hot toys? etc..
hi joshua, thanks for the compliments :) i think the UMP was released as part of a set of H&K G36 weapons by Armoury(??) some time back. I could be wrong coz it wasn't recent. It was stashed away until i saw the Quantum of Solace posters. have you tried Yellow Box at 6001, #01-24, Golden Mile Tower, Beach Road? Link here: http://yellowboxtoys.blogspot.com/
They have lots of loose stuff
no prob'm joshua ;) u r most welcome!
freakin awesome man. Where'd you get the bond figure from. I wasn't aware that he's been released yet
hi there, the bond head sculpt is from a company called Loading Toys. Thanks for looking :)
Hey Alex, do you think Hot Toys may release Daniel Craig's headsculpt for military figures?
that i hope they don't do or i'd burn even more cash just to get the headsculpt but then again....it's good to have another head to kitbash craig's upcoming movie...DEFIANCE....
hi desmond, joshua, when Hot Toys released their USMC F-4 Phantom Pilot, some said the head sculpt looked like Daniel Craig while others debated that it was Tommy Lee Jones.
looks more like tommy lee jones imho
Fantastic! I'm kinda jealous that you have the machine gun that was used in the movie and the movie poster! I have the figure too but mine is in a tuxedo taken from my 007 Sean Connery Dr No figure from Sideshow.. I noticed that you are using the suit from Saturday Toys... I wanted to get it from CSC when I saw it but its a 3 buttoned jacket for the suit, so I didn't get it. James Bond only wears 2 buttoned jackets..
Hi imranbecks :) don't be jealous lah, the SMG was a kitbashed one based on the movie poster. Everyone would have the P99 so I wanted mine to be unique, hence the H&K UMP-9. I liked my Sean Connery Dr No figure as it is so I wasn't prepared to strip him. About the jacket, I felt the suit was fine as long as most people can identify him right away as James Bond 007 so I wasn't particular about the number of buttons. Thanks for the heads up though :)
Be it a 2 or 3 buttoned jacket, I ended up getting the same suit from Saturday Toys as well...lol.. Its just that all the other suits I have seen online from other manufacturers all come with a 3 buttoned jacket.. No 2 buttoned so far. So I ended up getting the Saturday Toys suit since I saw it at CSC. The quality is very good and the body that came with it is almost as articulated as a HT True Type body.. Now that my Daniel Craig figure has his own suit, the Sean Connery figure has his tuxedo back..haha..
thank goodness :) I wouldn't want Sean getting a chill without his tux - LOL
Sorry if these seems a bit off topic, but I was looking at the beautiful Saturday Toys suit.. And it really looked perfect for a Jason Statham as The Transporter kitbash..... Any idea if there ever was a Jason Statham headsculpt?? Coz the suit really looks perfect...
Jason Statham is one of my favourite actors and I've been looking out for his head sculpt but haven't seen any that resembled him :( he was GREAT as The Transporter.
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