The Protect-Gear is the full body armour used by Kerberos Panzer Cop Anti-Vicious Crime Division units and it borrows many elements from the uniform and equipment from WWII Germany such as the Stahlhelm helmet and anti-shrapnel body armour, Mauser C96 semi-automatic pistol and Maschinengewehr (machine guns). The designation "panzer" (from pancier, body armour) is a German term from this same era. Kerberos Panzer Cops are elite individuals selected for their superior intellectual and physical capabilities.
Didn't really follow the saga but when I first laid eyes on a Kaiyodo 1/6 Panzer Cop in a vinyl model kit shop, I was hooked. So when Medicom released this Stray Dog Protect Gear Panzer Cop in 2001, it was a must-have!

Medicom's armour was all one moulded piece of plastic, including the leg armour and side-arm (it's supposed to be an extra weapon!). Have added the extra pouch for effect.
as poor as this figure is, i still love mine. the metallic look while inaccurate was a nice touch.
great reuse of the kayodo/buildup kit.
this was my FIRST kerberos figure :) I had it before the rest (& better ones) came along
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