There are less Kubricks nowadays than when the product line first started - this was one of those that were released in 2002 - it's the Kubrick version of the
1/6 Medicom Jinroh Wolf Brigade figure.

The Kubrick version also has Kazuki Fuse's head sculpt.

Quite nice details for such a small figure

Even shows the ammo belt coming out from the backpack

Where I can buy it?
Hi thanks for looking :) this was a Medicom Toy Collectors' Club exclusive and was some time back already so best bet would be e-bay when a collector decides to part with his piece. CHEERS
Thanks for answer me so fast, I searched in eBay, but only they have a "Medicom Kerberos Panzer Cop JIN-ROH Kubrick Figure Ltd", and I want "Kubrick Jinroh Wolf Brigade", I searched to in "" but is out of print, I searched to in comic stores, but noone sell it... any clue to find it?
hi bohordo, because these were released some time ago, it'll be very hard to find them anywhere else because the demand far exceeded the supply. these are pretty much ultra rare items and even if they go on sale, they won't be cheap :(
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